im supercharging my 04 eco and so far i have boost,vac, wideband a/f. what else do i need ??? do i need fuel psi gauge, pyrometers/EGT gauge, oil gauge.
~ thanks austin
fuel pressure is good , because it will shows the pressure , and if your wideband goes isnta-lean and you look at the fuel pressure gaue and its droping pressure you know there is a problem with the fuel system
some people like the egt , to me atleast with the gm reflash , its kida useless cause you know its gonna be high
oil is a good but not 100% necessary
the only thing with the electroinc fuel pressure they said it would be $195 for the one that goes under the hood is like $40.
you can find places to get the electric 1 for less
ive got all cobalt gauges in mine
i have all carbon fiber except my wide band
oil pressure is good and useless at the same time - if there was some sort of average-speed leak, it might alert you in time because of the drop in pressure.... but if you actually ran out of oil or the pump failed... your engine is pretty much shot by the time the gauge lets you know.
The only gauge that is techinically needed is the boost gauge. But i would definetly reccomend an air/fuel for sure. Most other gauges (oil pressure, fuel pressure, etc....) are safety gauges and are not NEEDED but are nice to have especially for a car that is driven daily for motor safety .
Street-Legal 2003 Sunfire 10.58 @ 139 MPH