ok the portfueler will be out soon and there probably wont be to many applications to start with because of the price. not that its overpriced its just that its alot of money for most. so here is My question. Is it possiable to rig up the injector set up so you can use the injectors in the factory manifold that will save 700 dollars which is alot. So what is the deal. also Why are manis so expensive? I mean The material cost cant be over 100 dollars. thats 600% profit

. Understand that I dont blame bill there could be 100 reasons All I ask for is one good one. Understand that I am just trying to get some info not trying to be another internet prick.
Kick azz is my boost hero!!! 
Well you cant use them on the factory manifold because its plastic, but if you were to buy a Saab manifold they are metal, and could potentially work if you had the injector ports machined into it. All theory though no ones done it and it may not work at all for a reason I could easily have overlooked.

208whp 239wtq
13.7 @ 102mph 2.19 60'
yeah, I think it's a little expensive, I was told 800-1000 on the phone about a month ago and now it's like 1500
LE61T PTE6262 Powered
its so expensive because therres more than 20 custom made parts that the guys at HRC have to make themselves

I used to race cars, now I race myself.
5K PB: 24:50
10K PB: 54:26
best is to use hahn manifold , since it will be all bolt on
the saab requires alot of work to do the port fueler set up , and might end up costing close to the price of hahns manifold
stock manifold issue was addressed already , so enough said on that
my theroy is , is gotta pay to play , and doing half assed stuff gets you in the end , and will cost you more money
if you want serious performance , its gonna cost no matter what kinda car you own
I most of missed Why the plastic mani wont work.
QBE I hope your talking about the whole kit. If just the mani is 1500 then forget it.
does any one know when it will be aviable for purchase?
Kick azz is my boost hero!!! 