Does anyone know if all turbos can be converted to internaly gated. I have a manifold from ebay that will only except a internally gated turbo. but all the ones on ebay look external. IE no waste gate. So my question is since internally gated turbos are just a waste gate with a tube to a hot side. cant they all be external?
Kick azz is my boost hero!!! 
just get an external flange welded on, thats the way im goin to do it
I would have to modify the manifold and I dont want to do that.
Kick azz is my boost hero!!! 
im not quite sure what your talking about, But it seems you want to make this turbo you have internally wastegated? if thats so it depends on what type of turbo you have and what style bolt patern is on the turbine housing ....theres not too many but there are different ones...(ford style, saab style are some, there 5 bolt pattern are different) then basicly is finding a swingvalve assembly that will fit this and a actuator with mounting bracket and arm to make a turbo internally wastegated...
hope that helps...
still putting a flange on would b better.
Deekster Jones
Yesterday 8:42 PM
im not quite sure what your talking about
you might want to try reading the damn post.
Yesterday 2:05 PM
Does anyone know if all turbos can be converted to internaly gated. I have a manifold from ebay that will only except a internally gated turbo. but all the ones on ebay look external. IE no waste gate. So my question is since internally gated turbos are just a waste gate with a tube to a hot side. cant they all be external?
he has a manifold from ebay. it doesn't have a flange for external wastegate. He can't find an internally gated turbo. He wants to know if a NON INTERNALLY GATED turbo can be converted to internally gated. Simple.
be sure to read the fine print on some of the ebay auctions, because sometimes they offer an internally gated option for additional money (usually 60 bucks)
an internally gated turbo can be converted to external pretty easily, but converting an externally gated turbo only to internal is pretty difficult if not impossible I'd imagine. I'd say just try finding an internally gated turbo, dont get an external and try to modify it.
To be honest, modifying the manifold to support an external wastegate wouldn't be too hard. Just get a wastegate kit (should come with a flange) and have a local welder (or yourself) mount it on the mani.
do what the flying squirrel said. have the manifold converted. not a big deal. external wastegates are better anyways. then go pick yourself up a Tial 38mm wastegate and a TurboXS manual boost controller. More fun.
I was a retard, and now I'm permanently banned.
you might want to try reading the damn post.
I DID read the damn post, but the way he is trying to explain it is a little rough to comprehend or a little misleading, BUT if you have read MY post i already answered his question.....
I would have to modify the manifold and I dont want to do that.
so dont and get your turbo a swingvalve assembly like i said. Linking the actual picture of your turbo would help alot also. I have bought a stock T3 nissan turbo and it had its own downpipe built into the turbine housing and there was no way to put a internal wastegate on it (the bolt pattern was way different) so i had to buy a saab style T3 .63 housing. If this is a low boost application for your cav internal is fine and would be the cheaper route and less confusion for you.
hey go easy on Deekster hes helpedme out big time before. but thanks Flying squirl. as for the modifaction of a manifold It's beginging to sound more and more like a good Idea. but really is it really not hard to do also isnt the swing arm asemmbly a bitch to put on. I am still going to look for a decent intrernally gated turbo but the more I hear about the external the better it sounds. what excatly would need to be done and on what part of the mani.
Kick azz is my boost hero!!! 
Jcavi wrote:hey go easy on Deekster hes helpedme out big time before. but thanks Flying squirl. as for the modifaction of a manifold It's beginging to sound more and more like a good Idea. but really is it really not hard to do also isnt the swing arm asemmbly a bitch to put on. I am still going to look for a decent intrernally gated turbo but the more I hear about the external the better it sounds. what excatly would need to be done and on what part of the mani.
the swing arm isn't that bad. if you take a look at most manifolds, it's just a flange in place near the turbo, not too far from it. most log style manifolds place the wastegate about 4 inches from the turbo.
I was a retard, and now I'm permanently banned.
OK I have been looking at it for a while and all the best turbos are externally gated. so I am gonna get flange welded on. I typed in external wastegate flange and what looked like a gasket came up. how does that little thing get welded on if the holes on the side are the same depth as the main hole do the screws drill into the mani. or Do I just have them rase the flange off the manifold a little. thanks for the help guys.
Kick azz is my boost hero!!! 