Okay well the GM SC I bought should be here soon but is painted red and black, with a purple car it doesnt go that well. Befor I install it I was wondering which paint I should use to paint it. What temperature does it get up to and whcih paint would be the best? I was figuring 1500* header paint but if that isnt heat resistant enough I will have to try something else.

http://members.cardomain.com/vertz24 1998 Z24 Convertible
Strip all the paint off it and polish it... and leave it polished.

- Sold my beloved J in April 2010 -
yep polishing it would be your best bet... better then what it comes from the dealer... the powder coating that comes on it holds in a lot of heat where you want the heat to get out... Jake or some one on here got the coating striped off and got it polished and he said it didn't lower the temps by huge amounts... but it did lower them some
What would the procedure for polishing be, I assume strip the paint and then dremmel? Or could if be done by hand with an abrashive machine polish?

http://members.cardomain.com/vertz24 1998 Z24 Convertible
yeah some kind of sanding , and rough wheel to get down to the aluminum
but make sure not to get any thing inside the s/c while your doing it
john with the dark green sunfire vert had his taken apart and polished that way , it costs a little more , but i think it would be worth it
he also said the s/c is running cooler that way as well