Hi, this is probably a really simple question but i've searched the site and haven't found a whole answer yet,
i'm looking at the gm supercharger kit, 4-5 psi is what i'm told to expect out of it, running that what do i have to do as far as engine mods, the kit comes with
The kit includes:
• All mounting brackets and all mounting fasteners required for installation.
• All air ducts and adapters including new PCV hoses, baffle and tubes required for installation.
• Gen II Map Sensor, four spark plugs, accessory drive belt required for installation.
• Recalibration of the Vehicle Control Module (VCM) is also included in the kit.
Will i have to get larger injectors, FMU, all that little stuff or should it be ok?
hey brian i believe u contacted me about my supercharger. the injectors are 310cc which is more then enough to run what u can throw at the charger. theres people running 10 psi with some sort of water or alcohol injection to keep the temps down. everything is in the kit to put it on and drive it. the only thing your going to have to do is take it to gm to get the reflash and from there on u can drive away with boost with nothing else needed. OH yea dont forget to put premium fuel in
J-Bo driver once again.......







yea this kit is a full out complete kit... slap it on a bone stock 2000+ 2.4L jbody and your good to go after the reflash
Supercharged 2.4L
if you plan on going much further than the 6psi you will need bigger injectors than the supplied 310cc ones

1989 Turbo Trans Am #82, 2007 Cobalt SS G85
ok so i was wrong on that. thanks for letting us know about that i was under the impression that 310cc would be more than enough
J-Bo driver once again.......







I am pretty sure you can go a bit more then 6psi .. you need an adjustable fuel pressure regulator though.. and after about 7psi you need alcohol injection or you wont make any more power...
how much boost can you put on a factory 2.4 before you have to start to replace pistons, rings, retainer, valves, etc.... i am looking at getting a supercharger soon and was worried that i would have to build up before i install. also how much does the gm supercharger cost and what is it capable of.
i think the gm charger maxes out at 10psi, and you MUST run alcohol or water injection or else you will detonate, the computer will sense this and kill timing, and you wont make any more power (at least thats what ive gotten from all the GM s/c kit talk)
<img src="http://memimage.cardomain.net/member_images/3/web/831000-831999/831395_11_full.jpg">
so the only additional mods needed to run 7psi is a FPR? besides pulley an belt... an wat size is that pulley, 2.7"? i jus got my gm s/c done an i f(_)ckin love it.. its so addicting.. runs so nice too

Rodimus Prime wrote:if you plan on going much further than the 6psi you will need bigger injectors than the supplied 310cc ones
Noper. The 310cc are just fine. I'm running 10psi with a healthy 12:1 a/f ratio throughout the powerband.
Alcohol injection is required though. Without it, heat soak will render the smaller pulley useless.
You don't need a FPR either. The stock fuel system will handle the proper amount of fuel pressure for the 310cc injectors that were designed for it.
The LD9 pops at around 265hp-285hp. The connecting rods snap in that range. Chances are you'd spin a bearing due to oiling issues before you even got to that point though.
<a href="http://www.j-body.org/members/mrpute"><img src="http://www.j-bom.com/images/sigs/putesig.jpg">
Don't want to jack this post... but i got a question relating to this some what
Mr. Pute - I got my 2.6" pulley from Pulley boys and a Alcohol Injection kit, but will i be fine with my fuel set up? or was it you that told me i had to get the new Fuel pump? if so where can i get one for a nice price?
this might sound dumb but like i said i am new at this, what is an alcohol injection and how much does it cost, as far as the psi, keeping it at 6-7 psi is safe for an all stock motor and when would i need alcohol injection
Clicky<---Alcohol Explained
6-7psi is safe, just make sure you either have the reflash, or you tune it yourself properly. at around that 7psi thought, you will need to start thinking about the alcohol injection, or dry nitrous are water or something, cause like said before, the computer will start screw with ya, not making any more power than the 2.6" pulley. the sc comes with the 2.8" pulley, you can run a 2.7 without any probs, but start getting into the 2.6 and 2.5 then you will need to add the alky. hope that helps

2000 Camaro V6.
| SLP Loudmouth | CAI Intake | HID's |