Hey what AFPR are you guys using for your 2200? If you have any parts numbers that would be great. Also where are you taping your fuel line for a Fuel Psi gauge.
I know the 2200 rail is really crappy and small for taping into. So any advice or suggestions would help out alot. Thanks alot guys. (pics are good too)
Well I guess no one knows. lol
I spent to much money and bought the rksport one
wow i'm so glad people like the 2200 so much
Yeah its like tring to get blood out of a turnup. But it might help to know I think that a regulator for an LT1 might work but I have yet to try this I am just guess but it looks like it could with a little help and if you are really really hard up drill and tap the end of the fuel rail and put a custom one in thats all I have come up with since on one has ever turbo a 2200
( i say with sarcasum)
99Z24 Turbocharged (Project Mayhem)
yeah the fpr from a LT1 camaro will work. The one i'm currently using is an Accel part number 74758 and it works perfectly. It bolts right up and a direct fit no problems at all. I don't have a gauge plumbed into my rail quite yet i did most of the guess work by watching my a/f gauge and checking my plugs. That's pretty much all of the help i can offer you.
So that LT1 FPR is adjustable right? I Just need to make sure before I order one.
well ill tell you what i did so take it for what it is worth. i keep the stock rail and drilled out the a stock reg i got from a junk yard that came with the fuel hoses. then i cut the hose coming from the reg and bought a comp fitting to convert it to a steel braided line . then i bought a areomotive afpr (boost adjustable) witch has a port on the frnt for a fpr gauge and mounted it to the strut pillar . it works fine for me but as i said take it for what it is worth. the adfpr cost about 140 from summit but everything else isnt that badly priced.
13's or blowning it. one way or the other!
If the LT1 regulator works, then you can do what I did and just use the "hat" on a stock regulator. TPIS and probably others sell 'em, TPIS # is 100-023, page 11 of online catalog. I just bought a used one off Ebay.
Check specs, 'cause some of the regulators out there don't go below 30psi. With the "hat" you can cut a stock pressure spring shorter to get a lower base pressure.
yeah the part number i gave you is for an accel fpr it's not a very expensive part either. I only ended up paying like 60 bucks for it and i have absolutely no complaints at all.