My set up is in my registry. I am running 5 psi.
Problem #1:
Car does not like to idle. likes to stall alot. Fuel pressure is set at 43 psi at idle on 370's to try and get this thing to idle. I have the SAFC settings ar 1000 set to -20 and at 2000 +20 i do believe. When i am street tuning i treat the 1000 setting as a idle setting and the 2000 and up settings as driving. Let me know what ya think.
Problem #2:
When i take the car our for a drive it sometimes goes into a somewhat limp... I will come to a stop and the car will idle at 1600 rpms. IT will not move go up or down. Vacuum is great, oil pressure is fine and the car will still spool and work properly... just likes to idle super high. I can't seem to figure out why. It only does this sometimes..
Problem #3
My EGT's are VERY HIGH. cruising in vacuum is about 1250. I can control full throttle with my FMU but i have ran out of tuning room with my SAFC for no boost driving. I have heard u can use the SAFC successfully all the way up to 440 injectors. It just loves to run hot on these injectors. I bought these figuring they would be fine up to 10 psi w/ fmu support (max boost this engine will see). I have not bought a wide band yet as of money issues but it is def my next thing on the list. I checked my plugs and they aren't to bad but somewhat white. Which would signify a more lean condition, however, my car blows black smoking when starting it up and starting from a dead stop. It smells of gas my buddies tells me when he follows me. Which to me would be a more rich condition. Driving it the car loves to break up... its like a 50/50 chance if u hit it it will break up or take off like a bat out of hell. The break up sounds like its dumping fuel cuz it will eventually straighten out and go..
I have no vacuum leaks, no check engine lights. The car idles a lil rough when it actually does idle, but i expect that with bigger injectors and a SAFC. If u have any input on my problems feel free to post! I am open to any and all suggestions.
Sorry for the long post!
Sounds like way too much fuel. Too much fuel will cause high EGT's. For only 5 psi, 370CC injectors sounds like overkill.
Mark P.
well like i said i plan on running 10 on this engine which 370's sound pretty good, but don't wanna step it up until i know i can control it. Next pay check is being dedicated to a wide band for sure. After i fix the oil leak sometime this week, i plan on screwing more with the safc and go negative will all of settings.
Maybe you could park it till you can get some smaller injectors...
Something to get your feet wet, then install the larger ones when you are ready to raise the boost...?
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your running super rich i had to learn about this on my own also but with my 310 injectors my 1000 and 1200 settings on my safc are -47% just for it to idle try turning the safc down i took the stupid fmu off even though every one swears by them just turn it down (safc) till it stops hesitating your egts sound good to me ill post sometime what my setting are the highest setting on my safc is 21% at full throttle and boost also make sure your throttle points are 0%low and 50% high otherwise your idle will suck
"dude, thats a girls car"
u also have a 2.2 muff. and i don't need smaller injectors. these are pretty much perfect for the 10 psi i am prepairing for. Like i said, i can tune them under full throttle w/o a problem, its low throttle that is the pain in the arse. I will however muff try those low and hi settings out. i am 30 - 70 right now. i am gonna try backing the fuel pressure down again to like 35-40 and take more fuel out and see how she runs. This still doesn't help me with my "limp mode" the engine goes into on occasions. ::sigh::.
OH YEAH the 30 70 thing is your idle problem all the way set it 0% 50% (i also have my other data file set up on 0% 90% when i wanna run nitrous ) but yeah think about it your at 0% throttle at idle so you need to have the safc set there too otherwise it wont start correcting till your 30% on the throttle try -47 on your idle rpms and 0% low throttle setting and 50% high throttle yeaah i have the 2200 so same thing pretty much try this i had to learn the hard way too ,i cant wait to get times this fri. @!#$in cavvy is blazinhope this helps i have to go train for 3 days so i wont be in till fri. then ill be back on the boards hope this helps
"dude, thats a girls car"
hmm yea i already had plans on those settings actually. kinda read my mind. Ordering wide band end of this week.
Still kinda wanna know why my car will idle at 1600 though for no apparent reason O_O.
any updates ???
"dude, thats a girls car"
drop your fuel pressure to 35psi 43.5 is way to high, then set up your safc to -35 @1000rpms and then -15@1500 and 0 @2000 should run much much better, your boggin the hell out of it with +20 @ 2000
see the goal is to get the injectors to run as close to 24lbs as you can you should be really close if you fallow what i said
good luck
no updates... timing chain cover is leaking oil O_O. got me gasket gonna replace it tomorrow. I am gonna turn up the boost as well tomorrow to 8 psi. and tune from there. Thanks for all the input. hopefully i don't hit this stupid 1600 idle anymore