I swapped out my high impedence injector on the alcohol injection for a low impedence 1000cc one Airtonics gave me (thanks again dude). I figured the vtec channel I'm controlling the injection from on the e-manage was only a relay and not a load driven connection. I was dead wrong. Went down the street with my roommate Cherub from AZ-JBO and hit the alcohol for mearly a split second. All of the sudden, the car dies. I knew it wasn't hydrolock because the engine didn't seize up and make any weird noise. I also knew it wasn't it due to the fluid calculations I did on here a couple weeks back. It just....died. So I figured I screwed something up on the e-manage. Took the e-manage off, hot wired the wires to make the car stock again to limp it home, and the car fired up just fine. Definitely a problem with the e-manage. Get back to my apartment and take the e-manage inside. What did I find?
One of the 1 watt surface mount resistors (which is honkin huge in power handling) decided to literally explode on the e-manage. Sweetness. My $300 fuel computer is now junk until I can get a new resistor. Hopefully, that's the only problem with it.
So yeah, don't connect low impedence injectors to an e-manage unless you use a resistor to lighten the load first regardless if you are using the channels properly or not.
Lesson painfull learned
Oh and yes, that red wire and the solder bridges on the Hitachi chip are the hardware mod for the e-manage gold conversion.
<a href="http://www.j-body.org/members/mrpute"><img src="http://www.j-bom.com/images/sigs/putesig.jpg">
you should be able to find a part for pretty cheap. I recommend to try asking the megasquirt people, they might now what kind of part you need. (not for sure) Hopefully that all gets worked out soon.
HP Tuners | Garrett T3/T04B | 2.5" Charge Pipes | 2.5" Downpipe | 650 Injectors | HO Manifold | Addco front/rear | Motor Mounts | HKS SSQV | Spec stage 3 | AEM UEGO Wideband | Team Green LSD | FMIC | 2.3 cams | 2.3 oil pump swap | 280WHP | Now ECOTECED
oh damn i saw the post and thought you blew the engine that sux hopefully you get a new resistor for her at least it wasnt a piston or something but still a 300$ mistake sux
"dude, thats a girls car"
I already ordered the part off of Digi-Key. Cost $3.90 for a strip of 10. The problem is that this part is a surface mount resistor, meaning using a regular soldering iron won't cut it because the resistor is so small. That guy is literally 6.2mm by 3mm which is roughly the size of two soldering iron tip diameters put side by side. So in order to do the job right, I ordered a $65.00 surface mount friendly soldering iron. I should have everything back together within a week depending on when the part and iron get to me.
hehe, my bad. I should of called the thread "POP" instead. This should get a lot of people looking though. hehe.
<a href="http://www.j-body.org/members/mrpute"><img src="http://www.j-bom.com/images/sigs/putesig.jpg">
did u call emanage to see if they would cover it under some kind of warranty? Otherwise im glad to see you didnt blow the engine, the title of this thread is very misleading!!!
2006 Black Cobalt SS Supercharged G85
Haha, yeah right. There's no way in hell they'd cover this. Totally my fault for not wiring the injector properly.
<a href="http://www.j-body.org/members/mrpute"><img src="http://www.j-bom.com/images/sigs/putesig.jpg">
soldering that should be realitvly easy...
unless you are using one of those soldering guns...
"forcast for tomorrow... a few sprinkles of genius and a chance of doom"
Heheh.. brings me back to the old days of blowing up electronic stuff when the teacher wasn't around.. Never quite got a resistor to "explode" though..
Keep us updated on how it goes..
<img src="http://home.nycap.rr.com/xenox/jbody/jbody_shocker.jpg">
you couldnt get the rsisters to explode ether? For me they would just burn the middle and fall apart. . . I did figure out how to make capacitators explode though. Man they were loud.
Mr.Pute you dont have to tell them it stopped working because of faulty wiring. Tell them it was defective and yadda yadda yadda. Also are you sure thats the only thing that burned up and nothing else is burnt or brown?
2006 Black Cobalt SS Supercharged G85
If you need help soldering it on. I have precision soldering equipment. I'd do it for you for free. 325-670-0447 if you need any help.
Now Back from Iraq!
With More Favor and Less Calories
Working on the engine... Soon to be complete.
A. 15
Thanks for the offer man. I've got it covered though. The iron I just bought should be able to do it no problem.
Here's a closeup pic of the joints:
The red circles are around what are called vias. A via is a connection on a PCB that goes from the top to the bottom of the board. The distance between most the vias and the solder pads is about 1/4 mm. This should prove interesting if anything....
Chances are I won't get the iron or the parts until the end of next week. We'll see.
<a href="http://www.j-body.org/members/mrpute"><img src="http://www.j-bom.com/images/sigs/putesig.jpg">
you are using the Vtec channel to control something thus YOU have to yell VTEC when you use it.
glad it was something simple, i thought you blew your engine.
thats kinda crazy man !!!
glad its nothing to serious
and jakeis right , you didnt yell out , GO VTECH
It's fixed. Thank GOD it was only a resistor that blew out. I managed to ghetto rig it with a giant 1 watt 1 ohm resistor that isn't a surface mount. I mearly ran wire leads from the contact patches to the resistor and slapped it all back into the e-manage. Works like a charm. Also put the 10 ohm resistor on the injector so the e-manage won't blow out again. Everything is working fine.
Now I have to wait for my super cool soldering iron and surface mount resistor to come in so I can patch it up correctly.
Close call......
<a href="http://www.j-body.org/members/mrpute"><img src="http://www.j-bom.com/images/sigs/putesig.jpg">
@!#$y deals, glad you got it all fixed up though.
Check out this link, it will allow you to run low impedence injectors without the risk of hurting the e-manage. Might not reall be worth it for you as your only using one low impedence injector for alcohol injection but worth the read anyway.
Quoth the Raven 'Nevermore
Raven Autosports
55 McQuade Lake Cres,
Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
(902) 850-3330
Wow....um.....I'll definitely pass on that.
I'd never pay $320.00 for something that I can correct using 60 cents worth of resistors. The switching of my alcohol injector isn't crucial enough for me to need an external low impedence driver.
I'd rather drop $100 on a high impedence injector.
<a href="http://www.j-body.org/members/mrpute"><img src="http://www.j-bom.com/images/sigs/putesig.jpg">
not sure if this applies, my friend is using a honda resistor box to run, high instead of low or something like that. have you looked into that? might be worth looking into, they are like $5.00 at any autowrecker.
HP Tuners | Garrett T3/T04B | 2.5" Charge Pipes | 2.5" Downpipe | 650 Injectors | HO Manifold | Addco front/rear | Motor Mounts | HKS SSQV | Spec stage 3 | AEM UEGO Wideband | Team Green LSD | FMIC | 2.3 cams | 2.3 oil pump swap | 280WHP | Now ECOTECED
Yeah I agree not worth it for your application but might be worth it if you ever plan to switch to a full low impedence setup.
BTW how is the alcohol setup working out for you now?
Quoth the Raven 'Nevermore
Raven Autosports
55 McQuade Lake Cres,
Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
(902) 850-3330
The alcohol injection is wild! Going from 240cc to 1000cc injection has made a huge difference. Heat soak is pretty much gone now and today was about 72 degrees in flint. I ran a strip of road from roughly 30mph to about 70mph with the alcohol kicking the entire way. I pulled over to the side of the road and popped the hood. The supercharger wasn't even warm. Amazing
<a href="http://www.j-body.org/members/mrpute"><img src="http://www.j-bom.com/images/sigs/putesig.jpg">
makes me want to get a smaller pulley and some alchy injection. But damn im to far in debt right now.
2006 Black Cobalt SS Supercharged G85