Has anyone here installed this product on there 2200 SFI, or at least know how to before I go ahead and start hacking away on my PCM wiring. I can more than likely figure out how to do it, just looking for a little help in doing so...
Failure is not failure if you learn from it
JayP2k has e-manage, does that install the same?, plus I need to install my MSD programmable ign. and can't seem to find the install post from back in the day. Anyone remember the forum/post for that?
Failure is not failure if you learn from it
yeah I have been wondering this my self I am trying to find the fuel system with the eazyiest userability I want to stay away from heavy tuning. I just need some thing run my injectors a bit heavier a lower rpm's
Kick azz is my boost hero!!! ![](/global/images/emoticons/jbo.gif)