well i just recieved the turbo timer i won off ebay. all i got was the timer itself...i was planning on hardwiring it in anyways but im not sure if i need the relay thing they say is in the normal kit. anyone know?
also anyone know which wires connect where?
i got orange, yellow, brown, red, black, green, and blue
any help would be great. thanks

I used to race cars, now I race myself.
5K PB: 24:50
10K PB: 54:26
call up the manufacture (or look up their website) and ask (or look) for a diagram on how to wire it all up.. they should be able to help
Memeber since 4/2002
Premium since 1/2005
jeep wrangler hard top for sale.. 97-up.. rear defroster and smoked glass.. $1000 or best offer.. e-mail for more info
well i found out the unit is worthless since the seller cut the wires and didnt just unplug the harness. i have filed a paypal complaint. hopefully ill get the money back. if not ill see what else i can do to get some cash back.
anyone know how to wire in the FATT? i emailed blitz but no one will be able to reply until monday and i wanna know how hard its gonna be so i can order this weekend so i have it in time for the turbo install.

I used to race cars, now I race myself.
5K PB: 24:50
10K PB: 54:26
"also anyone know which wires connect where?
i got orange, yellow, brown, red, black, green, and blue"
wow i remember asking a similar question, but about brake lines, and i got from u "Ur a @!#$ty tech if u can't figure it out" Have fun.
well this is a little differnet than brake lines genius. brake lines dont fry computers when you hook them in wrong.

I used to race cars, now I race myself.
5K PB: 24:50
10K PB: 54:26
no ur right, they cause u not to stop and hit @!#$... lol. From what i have searched and found out on my own is this:
GREEN wire from the timer goes to the Pink Ignition wire.
BLUE wire from the timer goes to the ORANGE Ign. wire.
RED wire and connect it to a 12V power source that gives 12 volts even the car is off.
The BROWN wire is for the Parking Brake feature for manual trans cars.
BROWN wire and run it underneath your centersole and connect it into the 1 wire that is on the plug for the parking brake. This is to tell the timer when to start the countdown when you are in park and getting out of the car.
I have an Apexi Turbo Timer installed on my car as well.
well ill be damned that way work. apexi might just be wrong. ill have to try tomorrow.

I used to race cars, now I race myself.
5K PB: 24:50
10K PB: 54:26
any updates? did u get it in? cuz i got this same timer, but i got the whole harness and relay with it, but no instructions. i know it doubles as a narrow band, which i dont really need. so the less wires i need to hook up, the better.