its on, the old map sensor is hooked up, running really rich and the rpms stay at about 3grand. UNDRIVABLE, i had to shut tha car off 3 times within a mile. for those with the gm s/c kit, what is the little black hole that is on the underside of the s/c? pointing towards the battery. it has a little silver screw under it.
2000 Camaro V6.
| SLP Loudmouth | CAI Intake | HID's |
Your IAT sensor goes in there. Don't use your stock map, plug in the new one. It will work NO PROBLEM.
Why are you driving the car? You shouldn't be doing anything with it (especially if you took the advice of the person in your other thread that said not to tie up the by-pass valve.) Get the car flashed immediately.
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Mr. Pute wrote:Why are you driving the car? You shouldn't be doing anything with it (especially if you took the advice of the person in your other thread that said not to tie up the by-pass valve.) Get the car flashed immediately.
what do you think the reflash was for
exactly what he said.... don't even drive your car any more until you get the reflash... that is what it is for...... unless you plan to wreck something just keep it in the garage until you can go get it reflashed...
your lucky you dident drive it like that with the reflash.... it would have reved WAY high ... like bouncing off the rev limiter........ with that vac. leak and all.
'02 Z-24 Supercharged
13.7 @102.45 MPH Third Place, 2007 GMSC Bash SOLD AS OF 01MAR08
well i has to drive it to my house, the guy that was helping me has to work in the morning and i couldnt get my car from his house. im getting it towed to the dealer, how does the iat sensor hook up to it? the wiring is not long enough to reach the hole. and when i had the new map sensor hooked up, it died every time i tried to start it up.
2000 Camaro V6.
| SLP Loudmouth | CAI Intake | HID's |
It probably died because that IAT hole in the s/c wasn't sealed. This allowed pressure to escape from the manifold and cause the map sensor to not read correctly. Going out on a limb with that but that's the only explanation I can give.
The IAT is plenty long enough to get to the hole....only you have to separate the wires from the loom it's in. Open the loom at take off the electrical tape holding the IAT wires to the bundle. That will make it long enough. This is one of the steps in the instructions included with your supercharger.
Did you tie your bypass valve open? If not, that could also be causing your car to crap out at idle with the 2 bar map.
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well can i just leave it in the stock s tube and use the plug they supply? i think it'll fit in there.
2000 Camaro V6.
| SLP Loudmouth | CAI Intake | HID's |
Wow dude, are you for real? Absolutely NOT! If you had read the manual, it states that the IAT is critical to determining how much fuel is needed.
I honestly don't see why you're trying to slack on such a small part of the install. You probably spent the good part of an entire day installing the thing like I did.
My motto is do it right the first time or you're gonna pay up the ass the second time around.
You'll be sorry if you don't....
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Ignorance deserves punishment.
That's all I have to say about this one
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step away from the s/c , then remove it and send it to me
install the IAT where it goes , if you are towing to the dealer for the reflash , go ahead and put the 2 bar map in it
well sorry guys, but i guess my dad skipped that part or something. only drove it for about 10 miles like that, is that alright? its now hooked up like it said in the instructions. good thing you guys caught it for me. thanks, i owe ya one.
2000 Camaro V6.
| SLP Loudmouth | CAI Intake | HID's |
Good job. Did you get the reflash yet?
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yea got it this morning, well i was scheduled at 8am, but i finally got my car back at 3 something.
2000 Camaro V6.
| SLP Loudmouth | CAI Intake | HID's |
I don't get it. You're not bouncing off of the walls like the rest of us were. Why aren't you out driving?
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he probably is out there now.
glad u got it worked out. welcome to the club