Ok so I've had the GM s/c on my car for about 4 weeks now....No problems whatsoever....
Before I ever installed it on my car my car would act wierd....I'd start it up cold and drive down to the end of my street and then it would just start sputtering like it was bein deprived of gas..So I was thinkin that it was the fuel pump??
After I installed the s/c it does the same exact thing except it feels a little worse... The other day I listened and could hear this slight rattle comin from the fuel pump area....It kinda feels like the fuel pump is on then cuts out then back on then back off...Almost stalls but then all of a sudden everything is fine..
I haven't gotten on the car in a little while cause last time I did it felt like the pump gave out for a split second at wot.
But anyways when I turn the car on cold it sputters kinda bad for about 15 seconds........When I start it up after just stopping somewhere it'll do it but just not as bad.
And I do have the 255lph fuel pump sittin in my room so if thats it then this one is goin in.
What do you guys think??? Fuel pump goin bad??
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I have a simialer problem but it seems like it happens till the oxygen sensor heats up. i think because the pacesetter puts it so far down the runner that it sputters till it get sup to temp. The air fuell gauge will not move when it is sputtering but then it starts to read and everything is fine.
^ Ya I think my o2 sensor is going bad or is completely shot cause it threw a code a couple months ago and I neglected to change it at the time...I've got a new one sittin in my room I'll put it in and see if that helps.......
Just like you legion, it seems to go away once the 02 is heated up.....
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mine does that 2 w/the gm sc and pacesetter header. if i jump right in and try to take off it bogs pretty bad, but as soon as it warms up its fine
<img src="http://www.j-body.org/registry/scoobyz24/personal_pic.jpg">
-Bryan Dube
Team Drop Zone
Vice President
humm at first i was going to ask if you had the reflash or somthing of that sort, since your car is a 99, but then i see Scoobyz24 has the same problem and his is a 01...... i am wondering if any one else with the GM supercharger has this problem? as my car is running just perfectly right now with $30,100kms on it (about 18,700miles) and i am ordering the charger tomorrow and i dont want problems to start because of the s/c
humm at first i was going to ask if you had the reflash or something of that sort, since your car is a 99, but then i see Scoobyz24 has the same problem and his is a 01...... i am wondering if any one else with the GM supercharger has this problem? as my car is running just perfectly right now with $30,100kms on it (about 18,700miles) and i am ordering the charger tomorrow and i don't want problems to start because of the s/c
Hey guys, I too have the same situation. I have a turbo though. I have come to the conclusion that it is the O2 sensor taking a while to heat up. I have helped it out by putting a heated O2 sensor in. It still does it when real cold but it calms down a lot faster. when it is warm out it is way better but it always takes a few seconds at the least to smooth out.
I have a heated wide band O2 and I noticed that if I turn the ignition for 30 sec to a minute befor I start the car ( which allows the sensor to heat up ) I can watch it on the display correct it self. It will go from 10:1 up to 14-15:1 Air fuel ratio in a few seconds.
What happens is, the car is in open loop at start up nd it uses a base map in the computer for fuel and spark timming based off of the coolant temp sensor, Intake air temp sensor, and map sensor Then when the o2 sensor heats up it it communicates back with the computer, which is then called closed loop. This allows for further fuel correction at Idle and cruse type situations, which makes it run smoother. It is maintaining a ratio of about 14-15:1 When you hammer the throttle though, it jumps back in to open loop because it does not need to maintain a ratio between 14-15:1. It will run more rich at this time and that is determined mainly off the map sensor.
Plus, it is trying to maintain that ratio for emissions standards, and no car will pass that easy at full throttle. They don't even test at full throttle. That is why Honda has VTEC kick in latter in the RPM range because they can get away with higher emission in the higher RPM range.
ya, get that new 02 sensor in there and let it warm up .