Awesome Dude, thanks for letting us know how great it works,i was gonna IM you to find out how you made out this weekend, im gonna be buying one next weekend, you somewhat convinced me into it, seems like a great little gadget for what im looking to do
ill be keeping in touch chris and ill let you know how i make out when i get mine
Thats cool.I gotta put my brown tops back in after i have them cleaned and balanced.Let me ask you a question.What are your map sensor and tps sensor reading at idle?My map jumps around between 0.900 - 1.100v.And my tps is at .545-.550v.What do you have your settings at, 05in and 05 out?
'06 Cobalt ss/sc W/G85 Package
Gm Stage II W/2.79" Pulley
K&N Drop In Filter
Custom Magnaflow Dual Exhaust
5 in 5 out... yes.
My map was reading between .1xxx volts and like 4.1xxxx volts.
The TPS I didn't check, but it reads my throttle perfectly when I tested it. It goes very smoothly from 0-100%
All in all this unit is fantastic...
Slowly but surely may some day win this race...
Ahh, I didn't read that right. At idle eh. I honestly haven't checked that. Do you want me to check that for you in the next day or two when I head down to the car?
Slowly but surely may some day win this race...
Yeah,if you could that would be cool.I think my map sensor may be going bad,so i wanna see what readings your getting.Thanks alot.
'06 Cobalt ss/sc W/G85 Package
Gm Stage II W/2.79" Pulley
K&N Drop In Filter
Custom Magnaflow Dual Exhaust
Np. You want the readings at idle eh... where do I go in the s-afc to view them in real time while idling? Sensor check?
Slowly but surely may some day win this race...
Yeah,sensor check.Thanks again.
'06 Cobalt ss/sc W/G85 Package
Gm Stage II W/2.79" Pulley
K&N Drop In Filter
Custom Magnaflow Dual Exhaust
aww, i dont get a thanks at all???? lol.

12.6 @ 114.6 MPH
THanks MATT!!
for what i dunno..... but thanks your the man lol
Don't mean to hi-jack the thread...
Can you tell me where I can find some 35 lb injectors that will work on my 97 2.4??? I saw 2 auctions on ebay, but Im not real sure...
Are they the same injectors that are in the 87-88 turbo coupes???
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can anyone tell me what wires run were? Please
<img src= "">
15.6727@86.7124 at capitol raceway
sunfiregt... i have ur EXACT setup, and it idles like a truck, what selection on the AFC did u use to tune ur idle? Still new to the SAFC. Thanks
HMM decisions
I know cookie had a AFC install page up somewhere.
glowin cav = didnt u have problems with a check engine light?
i got my brown tops off ebay for $75, they were rebuilt but i have yet to install them.
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They seem alright, but I'd rather have brand new injectors...
<img src=>
Now I know this is a newbie quastion and please do not flame me. But why are you running both an afmu and the safc?? I to have a 255lph pump and brown tops but I am still stumped on wiether or not to get the safc, I know the safc is a great tuning tool but i don't know a hole lot about how to tune it and I think that is the only reason I haven't boughtn one yet. I will go search more on it now but any suggestions will be helpful.
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fuel pressure regulator > FMU. always.
I was a retard, and now I'm permanently banned.
??? What do you mean by that KC?
I have both an AFPR and a AFMU. FPR doesn't raise fuel pressure with boost... and I'm not gonna set my base pressure to like 70psi....
Slowly but surely may some day win this race...
i think im gonna have a problem hooking up my map up to the safc because its also hooked up to a egr sim, i wonder if i would run it before or after it and wether or not it would even run right is the questions
has anyone done this