I have a exhaust turbine housing and was wondering how much damaged inside it can it take befor you cannot use it....i mean i know any damage inside of it is NOT acceptable but what has happen is the turbine wheel broke inside and scraped up the inner mold of the turbine housing....
I know the turbine wheel sits really close to the exhaust port here in the picture and was wondering if this scrape you see here will effect this housing in any way? you can see that the seal between the turbine wheel meets the outlet is not affected....just the inner...take a look..
would any of you guys feel confident using this housing...I priced new ones and there like $175.00 to $230.00 =( so thats why im curious on what you guys think.. its a .63 housing also.
A scrape isn't bad, I'd smooth it out with some sandpaper and go on with life, perhaps spin the blade when you get it back together and make sure it doesn't catch. I certainly wouldn't be worried about just a little nick.
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yeah thats what i was gonna do ...thanks for your help shifted....i ended up rebuilding that nissan T3 and found out it is a .63 a/r turbine side and the comp wheel is a 60 trim but im not sure of the comp housing size =/ or maybe something here im missing...anyhow when i pulled off the downpipe from it (downpipe and swingvalve assembly is one peice) i notice nissan had a surpridse for me....the exhaust housing isnt the typicle 5 bolt style =( it was a weird style 7 bolt to be exact..so the new swingvalve assembly would not bolt to it....so i had to get a new exhaust housing..got this one for dirt cheap and gonna use it now with my new swingvalve assembly =) and new downpipe also...
I got the turbo housing in and put it together and have no problems spinning the wheel seems normal...but i have another delema...i inspected the housing even better and notice there is some crackage inside the housing but its not all the way through the casting..and i dont think it even will go all the way through..but my concern is as you can see in the picture a small crack has started where the end of the snail loop connectes to the inner casting..you cant see it in the picture but its where i have circled it...its about a half inch crack inbetween where it connects to the inner casting of it...
does anyone know if that will ever expand from heat issues ?? should i worrie about that?
as long as the cracks doen't cause oil leak, I would just put it back and go on with life. Cracks on exhaust housings are ordinary, but you have to check if there's any oil leaking from it.
ok ...thats what i was gonna do thanks for the input...if i have a oil leak which i seriously doubt i would becuase of where this crack is...it would puff out larges amount of smoke from my tail pipe correct?