sorry i know this injector $hit is played out but all everybody preaches is fuel management, fuel management,fuel management so dont be so shocked when idiots like myself arent very good googlers but i tried to searchso heres the questions i will be most appreciative of your answers
1. are my injector drivers on
my car(2000 2200 sfi cavalier) high or low impedence?
2. are these injectors high or low impedence
( )?
i contacted the seller he said they were high impedence the ebay site has high impedence but... i dont really trust people who dont know cars theres something about them(i think its cause thier hands are always clean)

"dude, thats a girls car"
I do believe your car has high impedance
do ford injectors just hook up ? sry for jackn but ur askn the same questions i have in my head.
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thanx a ton
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yay thanx for the clear answers as soon as the post office opens i can pick em up im gonna try and run em while im still n/a and see how the work out ill let yall now in about three days i gotta get the right connectors for em thanks ever so much everyone

"dude, thats a girls car"
i gotta a speed shop here id love to but i hate waiting for mail i live on post in ft hood mail here sucks half of the $hit i order gets return cause they cant find my address i usually have to wait till i see the ups truck and jump in the car and flag him down on the expected day of arrival lol pain in the ass ahhh im rollin a fatty on sept 17 gettin out of this bs finally

"dude, thats a girls car"
where on his site does he have the clips for sale?
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anyone know what the red tops are rated at?(cc or lb?)
310 cc in other words lol

"dude, thats a girls car"