problem ive been having lately is from a dead stop car hesitates when peddle is floored and does not take off right away it takes a couple seconds, you can hear it suck the air in and then it hesitates and goes nowhere, is that because of the reflash or would it be something else causing this. i have the racetronix fuel pump,36 lbs injectors,step 1 colder plugs gapped at .043 wich is how they came gapped at i believe.
gap or get plugs gapped closer to 35. are you an auto of 5 speed? if you are an auto i might say this could be normal, if you are a 5 speed, get a new driver mod.
my 5speed GMPP m62 powered sunfire moves out!
i have an auto and ill try regapping them
if you have an auto, some "delay" is kinda normal. A manual car will always get going/get out of the hole a lot quicker then a auto car. also check all vaccum connections.
can i help that when i get it tuned? and i will check the connection tamorrow at the shop
When we installed the mp62 on david fairhurst car it didn't have a hesitation thbat I recall when we took it for a spin. What pulley are you using? I had to gap down to .032 on my old mp62 setup.
i am using the 3.1 pulley
I'd start with a tighter gap on the plugs. Are you getting any engine lights or can you view data via scan tool?
the only 1 i am getting is catalyst below threshold because i have no converter or resonator but i do believe i hit a little fuel cut or spark blow out in the higher rpms when i got in it just a litttle bit, i read the smaller pulley helps so the car does not run so rich so it must have been the spark plugs i believe i will regap today and see if it helps
Mine does not hesitate that badly like JUCNBST said. The auto will take a little longer to get going while rolling since the computer will be like crap WOT which gear do I go to, other than that there is no hesitation. I agree with everyone saying to regap your plugs and go from there. Also a smaller pulley does help I currently using a 3.1" pulley and at WOT Im still seeing AFR's in the 10.5 range, Ive read that thats about as far down as you would want to go on the flash.
I had the crapflash on my 5-speed and had a similar issue. Perhaps no as bad as you're describing, but it was there. I learned to just clean it out before taking off at a light. If you let it idle and then tap the gas it'll sputter and not rev smoothly right?

"In Oldskool we trust"
what are you guys running for intakes? by what ryan said, i think vacuum or intake leak., possibly a leaky bypass valve that isnt closing all the way when there is not vacuum to it. vacuum will make it be OPEN and bypass the rotors, and boost will close it making all the air go to the rotors. I think this could cause the issues you are discribing. i run the AEM intake on mine into the fender, and when i floor I have no sputter at all what so ever in any gear.
EvoFire wrote:what are you guys running for intakes? by what ryan said, i think vacuum or intake leak., possibly a leaky bypass valve that isnt closing all the way when there is not vacuum to it. vacuum will make it be OPEN and bypass the rotors, and boost will close it making all the air go to the rotors. I think this could cause the issues you are discribing. i run the AEM intake on mine into the fender, and when i floor I have no sputter at all what so ever in any gear.
I'm running a simple WAI with a K&N behind the battery. I was on the same thought process but then I had Oldskool custom tune it and it's perfectly smooth now. Except adding a heat exchanger, I didn't change anything else; same plugs and all.

"In Oldskool we trust"
well, im not saying the GM falsh is perfect, but its not as bad as people make it sounds. HPT is better, but there are ways to work with the GM flash and make it pretty good. I have run a 13.9 on it, and an hoping for 13.5 or better before its time to tune.
It's weird. Some people have no problems where others have massive issues. I think it's just canned tune stuff, like Ryan said to me. Sometimes it works out, sometimes not so much.
EvoFire wrote:I have run a 13.9 on it, and an hoping for 13.5 or better
That's awesome man keep us updated.

"In Oldskool we trust"
i changed the plug gap to .035 from .043 and it runs alot smoother now no hesitations and now on to installing the 60lbs injectors,ls1 tb,meth injection and smaller pulley and finally a real tune
^^Just remember that gapping those plugs down that far will cause the electrode to weaken..