I have a chance to buy a 2000 Z24 with a blown engine and looking at the pictures my buddy sent me I see that there is a supercharger bolted to the front of this thing. Who made or used to make a supercharger kit for these cars? or is it a homemade job? I haven't seen it in person so I don't have any details.
Well I guess GM made one at least lol
GM made a supercharger kit for 00-02 Jbodies ( part # 12498660 ). Very well put together kit.
2.4 Twin Cam Super Charger 12498660
99 Z24
LG0/LD9 for Life

10 Year Bash Veteren
After looking around I'm 99% positive that is the GM kit, the brackets are the same, the supercharger is the same, air filter tube is the same. They don't want a lot for this car because they ran it low on oil, I def think I'm going to try and save this Z
96 Z24, sunroof, 5 speed - Sold
Do it^^, and if you decide you don't want the S/C kit, let me know I got a good home for it in my driveway.
look at the baby supercharger, d'awwwwwwwww!!!!
haha jk, but yeah its rare to find a factory supercharged Z (as in factory kit and not put together like the rest of us), that would be a fun restoration project!
do you have any other pictures? outside, inside, etc
04 Cav. 2dr. 5spd. My DD. 'Nuff said.