Found a guy selling what is a TD04 bored to an 18T... has a 9000 hl turbine.
What is the stock TD04 our eco needs, 14T or 15T?
Compared to a stock TD04 Mitsu, what are the gains here? I've done some research on saab forums but didn't know if anybody was running this on an eco.
Is this safe to run on a stock internals?
Side note, I've seen some say that their TD04 is off a 9-5. Is this possible? Just wanted to confirm years/models?
Thanks for the input guys. Here is a quick shot of the "18T".
I did the same thing to mine. Best upgrade I did since I put the turbo on
Best to upgrade the injectors. I did run off the ss injectors but had to keep the boost under 9psi. I was also running on a stock engine last year, but am now in the progress of installing my built engine
im running a 19t... the problem with the saab isnt just the compressor its the turbine side.... its really small and the wastegate isnt big enough... it works great and spools fast but your problem is this.. no matter how big you get the compressor or no matter how well you get it to flow and make boost you still gotta cycle the exhaust and that tiny turbo cant keep up with a 2.2 @ 10:1 compression at higher boost levels...the saab works awesome at 12 psi on an eco and that 18t wheel would help spool flow and make slightly more power but the more flow into the engine the more flow out and thats where the problem starts... you will max out the saab turbo before you hot a well maintained ecotecs breaking point...and the saab is only a 9-3 2.0 the saab 9-5 is a 2.3...
Anybody else have any input/experience with this turbo on stock internals?
Mine is a tdo4hl 16g i welded the wastegate shut and run and external works alot better than when i had it internally wastegate
Whitez wrote:I did the same thing to mine. Best upgrade I did since I put the turbo on
Best to upgrade the injectors. I did run off the ss injectors but had to keep the boost under 9psi. I was also running on a stock engine last year, but am now in the progress of installing my built engine
john wrote:Mine is a tdo4hl 16g i welded the wastegate shut and run and external works alot better than when i had it internally wastegate
How long have you had the 16g? How much boost are you running?
So on the Saab there is a low pressure and high pressure turbo, the Mitsubishi and Garrett, are you sure that this is a gain over the high pressure and not just the low pressure gutted and fitted with the high pressure internals?
jason norwood wrote:So on the Saab there is a low pressure and high pressure turbo, the Mitsubishi and Garrett, are you sure that this is a gain over the high pressure and not just the low pressure gutted and fitted with the high pressure internals?
The TD04 is the high pressure turbo
Im on 8psi will bump it up to 12 on meet and race nights but 8 does wonders atound here lol
Is the tdo4 hl a Volvo turbo?

13.520 @ 98mph! 220whp 234tq
Yeah it is it was a 15g lil thing hits instant boost when i stop on it
Hmm, I am wanting to ditch the m62 and go turbo soon.

13.520 @ 98mph! 220whp 234tq