Quick question here
This past winter I installed the M45, and prior to winter storage, I had filled my tank up with 87 Octane to prevent condensation (not knowing at the time I would be boosting the car). I have started the car up after the install, and she started up like a peach. I have put octane booster in the tank, which probably only brought the fuel up 1 point. Looking at a way to syphen out the fuel was a fail due to the hard tubing to the fuel tank.
I don't plan to drive the car hard when I get it out for the first time, but I also don't want to mis-fire due to the new injectors, plugs and HP tune.
Am I safe to let it run to burn up the fuel with out going into boost until I can fill at least half the tank up with Octane 91? or should I be looking at a way to get the fuel out prior to driving it? If this is the case, let me know the best way to do it. Keeping in mind that I don't have access to quality shop tools, lifts etc. lol
thanks in advance.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edited Friday, May 14, 2010 6:37 AM
Drive it. You could probably even do part throttle pulls, I just would not do WOT driving.
FU Tuning
It's fine , just don't beat the crap out of it. If you have race gas by you burn a gallon or two of the 87 and put in some race fuel. This will raise your octane rating higher than 89 even, depending on what kind of fuel you find.
you could pop your fuel lines apart in the bay and turn the key forward and let it prime it all out into a jug.
a 15 gallon jug?!? lol. you will be fine driving the car man, just drive it normally
01' Z24 5 speed
T4 Turbocharged
Built LD9
HP Tuners
BuiltNBoosted wrote:you could pop your fuel lines apart in the bay and turn the key forward and let it prime it all out into a jug.
This is what I was thinking.
I did the same Matt, filled my car before storing it, then after boosting, ran for a half tank, then filled with 91.

M62, 42's, ZZP 3", ZZP S3 H/E
214whp 190wtq
the other thing you have to think of is that fuel in there is what i call dead gas. after about 2 weeks it starts to go stale and wont perform as well as it should. id take the hit on the gas, drain it, put it in the lawn mower or what ever but i wouldnt run it. if you do, you can just idle the car til it runs out

might take a week haha. i would just take the feed line off in the bay and run the pump
I stabilized the fuel prior to storage... I do it all the time with my Lightning when I store it over the winter... pump it up with octane booster and we're fly'n again.
Thank's Vinny.. you're always lookn out for me lol.
could always put a water injection kit on it , which you should do anyway its virtually a must on a supercharged setup due to the heat, but you can get a power gain out of it also by bumping up timing running some methanol along with the water

1989 Turbo Trans Am #82, 2007 Cobalt SS G85