so i wanna boost my girlfriends car, lol. i wanna put in an ecotec and the saab setup. its an automatic. first, does this work and second i heard that the reflash for the s/c works great. my next question is at what psi does the reflash work best at, how do i get a hold of a reflash, and what would all be needed. obviousy everything for an eco swap, saab turbo and mani, lines. what am i missing? do i need the pcm for an eco to or just the ecu? right now im just looking into doing this, not sure if its gonna happen yet. its an 01 cavy auto 2200. and i did search around a bit. didnt find that answers i was looking for.
horsepower is the force that determines at what speed you hit the wall, torque is the force that determines how far you take the wall with you after you hit it.