ok i got the intake manifold and ic piping for my ecotec from vulcan... some of the piping supoosivly needs cut because vulcan did not make it fit to the aftermarket intake which means i have no idea what piece to cut and how this all goes together and vulcan does not return calls, messages, or emails.... please help
As far as I know you are the only one on here who I have seen buy his pipes. In his defense not having your car there to check fitment where it meets your aftermarket intake is going to present a real challenge.
I am sorry to hear that you as well are having problems gettting ahold of him. The best way is by phone. His shop is open 10-6 although he is often there till 7. I know that he usually transfers the shop phone to his cell when he is out of the shop. I know it was tough for me to get ahold of him and that the past week Jared Methe who has also purchased from him has been unable to reach him all week. Good Luck

This is starting to sound familiar......

Good luck...

P&P Tuning
420.5whp / 359.8wtq
thanks guys hopefully ill resolve the problem
Hopefully your intake manifold wont need has much fab work has mine did to make it work. version 4.2 lol
^^^^ Be sure and post up what was wrong and what was done to fix it so others don't have the same problem or if they do they know what to do to fix it.

Very true Wade. I just want to see a picture of Corry's intake. I have no idea if they fixed the design or not.
Are there any pics of where the pipes go into(or can some one explain to me)...im just a bit confused as to where they go if you already have an intake on the charger? dumb question just curious
and what problems did you have with the intake maniflold not fitting right? hope i dont have that problem on my build later on
^^ problems i had was.... well ordering and getting my part first of all. The side of the intake facing the radiator hose (left), I had to get a shop to chop that end off. It was pinching the hose. I bought a ecotec throttlebody flange from Levelzero. I need that welded, and noticed the 2 sensors on your throttle body will extend a bit. Thats not the issue. The issue is i might have hood clearance problems cause those sensors stick out to much. Ill try and post a pic when i get a chance.
the intake manifold i got is the same as the picture shown on there web site.... i supposively have to cut the intercooler piping to match there manifold they made me.... the piece they told me to cut is the piece with the bov flange.... im and just about ready to say f**k it and send all there @!#$ back...... i gave them way to much money for all these parts if i have to go through this much stress and this much hassle to make it fit... ill try and post up pictures in a day or soo... and there are only 5pieces of ic piping they sent me and they arent that long.... i dont see there being enough pipe....
Paul Chavez wrote:^^ problems i had was.... well ordering and getting my part first of all. The side of the intake facing the radiator hose (left), I had to get a shop to chop that end off. It was pinching the hose. I bought a ecotec throttlebody flange from Levelzero. I need that welded, and noticed the 2 sensors on your throttle body will extend a bit. Thats not the issue. The issue is i might have hood clearance problems cause those sensors stick out to much. Ill try and post a pic when i get a chance.
are you saying that the ecotec throttel body doesnt directly bolt on???
Not exactly. The intake holes for the throttle body bolts are bigger. So you might have to find some other bolts. No biggy. Have you ever taken off your throttle body. You will notice a small gap with the oem intake and throttle body which appears to be for the idle. The vulcan intake dont have that. thats why i got the levelzero flange to put on the intake. The flange has that gap plus the OEM gasket.
I got a chance to talk to cory today, were gonna hook him up with all new cold side pipes that will match up with his manifold. Also our intake manifolds are being re-designed for a better fitment + machined velocity stacks will come standard.
as brian just stated i did txt him for awhile today and hes sending out new pipes that will work for my intake application,,,,he also stated that my intyake manifold is the new design so ill find out how that fits when i get the new pipes.
Paul Chavez wrote:Not exactly. The intake holes for the throttle body bolts are bigger. So you might have to find some other bolts. No biggy. Have you ever taken off your throttle body. You will notice a small gap with the oem intake and throttle body which appears to be for the idle. The vulcan intake dont have that. thats why i got the levelzero flange to put on the intake. The flange has that gap plus the OEM gasket.
the only time i ever took it off was to change to a ported throttle bodt but i never really paid attention or looked for a gap .i talkd to brian and he said my throttle body should bolt right up... by any chance could you send pitures of the levelzero flange so i can compare it to what i intake looks like... .. also where did you purchase the flange in case i need one..
again i appreciate everyones help... its making a build alot smoother....
i deleted alot... of what i typed as not to stir the pot.
i will just say good luck.
Jake wrote:i deleted alot... of what i typed as not to stir the pot.
i will just say good luck.
um ok???? that helps me alot NOT
Paul Chavez wrote:http://www.levelzeromotorsports.com/store/product_info.php?cPath=23&products_id=176&osCsid=df9545e4f7a19951c4482e61430760db
Go to this link. This flange has the small gap port needed for the idle sensor. Thats what i believe its for. The intake does not have that gap. If they are giving you a new version, hopefully it has that too. You should get a pic of the new manifold whenever you get it. Hopefully it works out better for you. Keep us updated.
yeah i have my manifold and it doesnt look like that on the end.... i do believe i will have to buy that.... do i have to get the upgrade to the o ring grooves????? thanks for helping me man i appreciate it.... and i will deff stay updated
Yeah i got the O-ringed groove flange. Just so you can use the stock O-Ring. Levelzero ships out fast. I dont know weather to leave that flange from the intake on and just place the new flange over it, or just cut the intake flange and weld the new flange on. Still debating. Did you get the new manifold? The new version of it like Vulcan said you would?
my intake looks exactly like the one on the picture on the website.... brain said he believes i got the newer one but with the whole pipes being wrong im really sketchy about the intake fitting....
We'll have to wait to see how it fit unfortunately, weve had a few revisions of the intake manifold, each design better than the last.
corry taylor wrote:Jake wrote:i deleted alot... of what i typed as not to stir the pot.
i will just say good luck.
um ok???? that helps me alot NOT
Its OK. your young, youll get over it.
'02 Z-24 Supercharged
13.7 @102.45 MPH Third Place, 2007 GMSC Bash SOLD AS OF 01MAR08
brian did you start my cold side pipes yet???? as soon as i pick up my manifold from the powdercoater im gunna see how it fits and ill let you all know.... wish i would have known that it may not fit before i got it coated
corry taylor wrote:ok i got the intake manifold and ic piping for my ecotec from vulcan... some of the piping supoosivly needs cut because vulcan did not make it fit to the aftermarket intake which means i have no idea what piece to cut and how this all goes together and vulcan does not return calls, messages, or emails.... please help
Easy fix, contact AMMfab on here. He did my buddy's intake mani and piping. He also used to run the Vulcan mani, and is WAY more satisfied with this custom one AMMfab made him. Way better power and has what he likes to call "insta-boost" the second he gets into the throttle. Much better design than the Vulcan, hands down.
"Yo I wouldn't race him, there's not even an interior in his car man."
"Vrooooooom PSSSSHHH!"
"Oh sh*t. F*ck that, dude..."