ok guys i went to the saab dealer and got a copy of the parts diagram for the turbo its self. Now on this picture its circled number 10 is the part in question. now the parts description on the sheet is that is a nipple. it goes between the oil feed line and the turbo. the part number from saab is 12792084. what i am thinking it is actually a oil restrictor but i dont know. just wondering if you saab guys have this on your set up or if i even need it. thanks guys....
your turbo didnt have it?
I'm not sure if i have this let me look..
Nope i just looked. I have all 4 lines, 2 line bolts w/ the holes and no brass washers. Ohh well i have some shopping to do.
yea i'm not to sure if i have it on mine either.. but the saab dealer is 20 minutes away so i willl go order it just incase. thanks chad.
when i had the saab turbo i didnt have it in mine either, i just had to put in a -4 to w/e the thread is that goes into the turbo...
when i had mine it was just a spacer
Lifted, 4x4, Pearl white, and 1.9 RC
I think it was just a spacer, so you could put the other water feed line on.