Do the japanese make it.... or do the americans??? heh
I gotta know. When I cross the boader to Canada with it, itll determine if I gotta pay any extra 6.1% duties or not.
Anyone know where it is made?
well its a GM product so I would think its made in America, the actually supercharger itself is made by Eaton. Why not just go to your local Chevy dealer and order it? or from pace parts or whatever (american company). I can't see where its made mattering, just were its coming form.
its an eaton charger. the ld9 kit uses the m45 and the eco kit uses the m62. the GTP uses the m90 i believe
12.5@116 2.0 60ft
Just have whomever you're buying it off of, write made in USA on the receipt. If you're buying it used...just tell the border patrol that you bought used auto parts. They MIGHT let you go through without paying. Worked for me with the last batch of parts i bought.
if its used have it labeled as defective parts with a $0 value, you don't pay fees and gets threw customs quicker.
better yet install it while your in the US and enjoy the ride back home with boost
Well it does matter. If the part is NOT made in north america, then you pay duties. If it is made in north america, i dont gotta pay duties.
I am ordering it to the boarder, picking it up, driving back with it in my trunk.
I got a friend that is a car mech. he is gonna help me install it for MUCH MUCH cheaper then a dealership. If i buy it in Canada, it is roughly 1500 bucks more then the usa.
When i brought back an 05 cav radio/cd/mp3 player, i had to pay duties since it was made over seas. No tmany GM parts are mad ein north america
It really goes to where everything is assembled for the most part. And the kit is assembled in Grand Blanc, MI so you are ok claiming it as made in the USA.
just leave it in the trunk and dont say @!#$, drive the most inconspicuous car and they wont care, say you went down to visit friends in the US and if they ask question say you bought it used on the way down and decided that you would cross the border and say hi to some friends
you can get it here without paying @!#$, trust me i used to work for the CBSA
HAAHAHA great advice... untill they check, and find it, and keep it
just bolt it under the hood. they never look there.... whether it's hooked up or not doesn't matter....
and the deck you definitely should've installed down there... takes like 10 minutes to do... would've saved you some dollars.
[quote=97cavie24ls(™)]better yet install it while your in the US and enjoy the ride back home with boost
Proud member of Jbody of Kentucky ... Click on sig to go!
I know someone who lives 5 min from the USA....they are simply bringing it to me when they come for christmas. I am 5-6 hours drive 1 way to the USA. I am not driving there to have it installed.
they wont keep it they will just make you pay for it
and if you want to get around that then just make up a fake invoice for a dealer close to the border, or even from someone, say you bought it used, tell them that you bought it from a guy in that town you are crossing at and you have friends on the other side that you decided last min to go visit.
generally they wont say anything and let you go
just make sure you dont have a paper trail and if you do make sure it leads to the canadian side of the border