Its been along time coming but Im finnaly going to finish the car. as I type it sits at my freinds house in westchester PA. for those that dont know I have had the car at minions for the past 6 months its now waiting to be finished by me and a few freinds. I figure that this website is as much a part of this build as anyone eles I know so I might as well keep those that care updated
we left king of prussia PA at around 3:00 we were driving an old cherokee with rod nock and a riped main seal. this meant that we had to drive 50 mph the whole way there.
needless to say the sun was already setting by the time we got close
we arived at 8:00 at minions house and loaded up the car.
half way home at around 11:00 I realised that I hadnt really taken any pictures of the car. so as we sat in traffic in the middle of phildelphia, I hoped in the back seat an snaped a picture of the car.
I have been on this site for around 5 years. and not once have I ever thought about changing my sig. until now ,good thing the picture rezz is low, or I might of switched
finnaly it came to rest at my freinds house in westchester at around 12:00 I didnt bother takeing pictures seeing as how I had school at 5 in the morning the next day.
we will start working friday night, and hope to nock out a big chunk. this leads me to my first hurdle.
minion installed my pistons about three months ago, droped the motor in the car, then just left it. the hood was down, but the spark plug holes and the timing cover were off along with the valve cover. he couldnt get the motor to turn fully with a short 9 inch wrench, says it will turn. today my buddy cranked on it a little and said he got it to budge. this weekend we are going to hit it with a breaker bar. Im going to douse the cams inj oil and fill the spark plug holes with a little bit of oil to grese up the rings. then if we get it to crank the next step is to check the starter, and try to build up some oil pressure with a good crank.
If I make it past this point this weekend I will be thrilled
Ill keep you updated
Kick azz is my boost hero!!! 
i personally think if the cyl walls are rusty it should be lightly honed out.... or its gonna come apart in 6 months again with bad rings.
BTW glad to see you got it home.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edited Monday, June 25, 2007 8:20 PM
That's really @!#$ty man I hate to hear that happening to your car, but good luck with it don't throw in the towel yet
good luck getting it going. hopefully you get a chance to whoop some ass in it soon. seems like you've been waiting forever
I'd tear it open and hone those cylinders man. If the crank is rusted, the cylinders probably are too. Oh and go get the crank checked to make sure it's still sound. Corrosion isn't a good thing ever, even less so on a crankshaft LOL.

I used to race cars, now I race myself.
5K PB: 24:50
10K PB: 54:26
Wow, I haven't logged into this site for a long time.
The engine has been sitting for about 6 weeks since building. I used assembly lube on all the bearings and the crank was coated in oil. All that had rusted was the very end o teh crank where the pulley sits on it. I cleaned that up this past weekend to seat the pulley on again.
The reason th motor was hard to turn was beacuse of the intake camshaft. The motor was timed about four weeks ago and turned as well as any motor would without the rings broken in and oil pressure. A week after while hooking up the power steering pump, I realized that the head I supplied him didn't have a hex drive for his power steering pump as it came from a saturn with power assisted steering. I had to swap intake camshafts and retime the engine again. Putting in the new cam, I didn't have any more assembly lube so I used regular oil but not a whole lot. The cylinder walls were coated, there isn't any rust there or anywhere else in or around the engine after that spot was polished of the crank end.
I wish you the best of luck with the car and sorry I couldn't complete it for you afte changing jobs. You will probably be more proud of yourself anyway in the future knowing that you got it running.
The front mount looks sexy.....she will be a nasty biotch when shes i waited so long for minion to fix up ur car...i just went ahead and did my kit by myself.....i have been given the turbo crack and im hooked.....and yes it definatly feels better knowing you did it yourself....being able to say i turboed my own car is awesomly amazing lol
you scratch my ride IMA EAT YO CHILDREN
I apprciate that. that took alot off my mind. Its been weighing me down. I havent even bothered looking at the megasquirt stuff, because Ive been so caought up in getting it to start. I dont get a whack at it until friday,so Ive been foucising on just getting it to turn over. this bumps me upp ahead in time then. Im probably going to mount the manifold and turbo and fire the bitch.
dood this could actually happen I might get to here the damn thing run!
Kick azz is my boost hero!!! 
hey man good luck cant wait to have u up and running
well I went right to my freinds house right after school and threw a wrench on the crank as quick as possiable. but to my compleate suprizing nothing happened.........we then bolted the starter back on, whcih was a pain in the ass becuase I didnt have the bolts to it, and the starter was just floating around somwhere in my car and I couldnt find the damn thing.
at first we coulndt get the starter to crank over, but after a few checks, and a better battery, we mangaged to get the starter to inguage and spool. so we bolted the starter up and wired it all up, and sure enough..... nothing.
the general consensus is hydrolock were having a gm tech come and view the damage to check to see if there is anything we missed. if it is hydrolock then you can bet the rings are done, and potentially the pistons. hopefully its something I will be able to manage.
ill have picks up tonight
Kick azz is my boost hero!!! 
Are the spark plugs still in it?If they are,take them out and try cranking it.If its hydrolocked,whatever is in there will come out.
'06 Cobalt ss/sc W/G85 Package
Gm Stage II W/2.79" Pulley
K&N Drop In Filter
Custom Magnaflow Dual Exhaust
no man he left them out of the block. there was nothing covering the pistons excep the hood
Kick azz is my boost hero!!! 
WHAT DID I SAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
as much as i hate to say it and i know you have enough problems... but I TOLD YOU SO! (and by honing the cyls you would have avoided all these problems)
So again you believed the guy who screwed you over..........
as it sits now the general consensus is that it is a mechanicl lock. Im guessing something to do with the timing....? Im going to try and get ahold a josh, but at some point Im going to just have to go for it.
If I properly disconnecth the tensioner, then the guide, I have it written down somwhere but I belive the next step is to undo the cam assembly. afterthat its just chillin. Im gonna tie it down (makingsure the chain is away from the sprokets) then attempt to rotate. if it still doesnt move Im in for a helluva ride. Im going to have to figure out a way to determine what the problem was, without doing anything that could be used to say that it was me. which is so far beyond my level. Im decent at what I do, but Im no diagnostichin. theres a meathod to doing this ish correctly.
I at least no where I stand, and wont take it anyfartuer then I can back my self up on.
josh if your reading this you need to get in touch with me. we need to figure this out now before it goes any farther. I really dont give a damn about anything eles at this point, I just want my car to run again.
Kick azz is my boost hero!!! 
darkstars is awesome at cam timing on our cars. I have always asked him.
LE61T PTE6262 Powered
I hope all things work out for you. If you dont feel confident doing something then dont do it. Take TONS and TONS of pictures as you take it apart. It will help for 2 reasons. 1. Prove what went wrong and most important #2 which is help you put it back together if you forget how something went together.
If you know someone whos done and Eco motor within a close distance to come help you out call them. It can be a scary thought tearing a motor apart for the first time and putting it back together so it works. I was the same way and what ive learned from doing it is invaluable. It made me better understand how things work inside of the engine. Had i not had help from Speedracer i would have not been able to do it. Thats why i say find someone really close to you to help.
Good luck and i hope to see some great numbers soon.
(this time dont make a vid of you getting all excited

Whatever you do, dont take the timing chain off and rotate the bottom end, unless you want many smashed valves that is.
I was going to remove the cams.........was
I decied to sign on one last time before tomorrow. just to check, and to my delight I find an old freind prowing the net.
I asked him about my problem, and I can officaly say that Im a full blow jack ass for not figureing it out myself. He told me that the reason Im havingn my problem, is because he had to swap the cams when the the power steering pump didnt fit. he used all of the assembly lube up the first time and used oil to coat it. All I have to do is loosen the caps up and the engine should spin freely then after there nice and lubed, I just bolt it down fix the ignition and timing, run the sensors fix the pan and............ turn the key...............
Kick azz is my boost hero!!! 
that hapened with my 4G63, put cam lube on the bearings, and it worked.
good luck.
'02 Z-24 Supercharged
13.7 @102.45 MPH Third Place, 2007 GMSC Bash SOLD AS OF 01MAR08
Jcavi wrote:the general consensus is hydrolock were having a gm tech come and view the damage to check to see if there is anything we missed. if it is hydrolock then you can bet the rings are done, and potentially the pistons.
you really cant "hydrolock" an engine w/o the spark plugs in...... Hydrolocking involves trying to compress a liquid (which doesnt compress as much as a gas)....... to be able to compress something, you have to have compression....... which you wont have with the spark plugs out.
Rusty Cylinder walls? All it takes is a slight coating of oil on the cylinder walls during assembly to keep it from rusting for along time. Just about EVERY engine assembler I've ever seen coats the cylinder walls and pistons with oil when assembling them. And even if there was some rust, it would be very minor, dumping a little oil down the spark plug holes will make short work of it (no need to rehone the walls, unless the engine is left out in the rain, with no head on....)
Cam binding...... I'd always use some sort of engine assembly lube on cams, bearings, and chain guides. Its possible that by using just motor oil (months ago), it could cause the cam to bind. If you cant move the crank in either direction, even just a little..... thats not a good sign. If you still have the side cover off the chain, you can see if its stressing to try and turn the cams....
Good luck.
'02 Z24 420whp
'04 GTO 305whp
W41 BOI -
'78 Buick Opel Isuzu W41 Swap
yeah well its not the cams....
I got to the house at around 11:00 and got started on the cams right away. had all of them loose in record time. threw on the breaker bar and......clink clink...... nothing.
we then decied to take off the pulley and see what we could figure out, and sureenough it wouldnt come off. my latest guess is that it is the pulley being pressed up against the timing cover, where getting a pulley puller. and yanking it this weekend. if that doesnt work the heads coming off, if the thing doesnt sping with the head off, I can at least say I know what the problem is.
I didnt get any pictures. but there was really nothing to take a picture of, Ill let you guys know if anything changes.
btw let me know of any ideas you guys can think of, I need all the help I can get.
Kick azz is my boost hero!!! 
Good luck with this bro, I hope it works out for you better than the last time.
did you pay to get a ceased motor?
'02 Z-24 Supercharged
13.7 @102.45 MPH Third Place, 2007 GMSC Bash SOLD AS OF 01MAR08
just to let you know, but you can also pour seafoam in your cylinders through the spark plug hole in the case that your was a little rusty or seized. Seafoam is used not only as a fuel injector cleaner and such but its also an upper cylinder lubricant it says so right on the bottle.