I need a turbo timer, sitting in my car for a minute or two after I should've been out sucks, lol.
Any suggestions? I'd like relatively cheap.
I really like my Greddy, its only $90.00. You can get it in black or silver. It has a blue display.
Greddy all the way. You can get them for cheaper on ebay around like $60 I think.
~Boost. Its what's for dinner!~
yep i got a greddy full auto, easy install you can get the install instructions off of hear.
<aDdiCtEd 2 BoOsT>...EcOtEc...
lol Greddy it is then.
Are there 'real' and 'fake' turbo timers like bov's, turbos, wastegates, and other turbo stuff?
I was about to ask that exact same question. I'm really skeptical on Greddy stuff so many knockoffs, especially on ebay.
It beats a Honda!
Ha Ha.....it sounds like everyone wants you to go Greddy!!
Club 136 (Qwik2k2z24) wrote:hook up ur coolant lines and save some $$.
Would that keep it cool enough to not need a timer?