just thought i would let every one know i got the motor and tranny pulled out and ripped apart... just sent them to the machine shop to be started on to be built for the turbo.... i also had a few questions.... when you swap the stock header to a turbo header do you just buy the stock gasket or do you have to get a certain one??? and does any one have pictures of the piece you weld in your oil pan for the oil return line to connect to so i have some sort of idea on what i need to go out and buy??? i should have the pictures up soon on the motor ripped apart just been buisy working and working on my daily driver so bare with me ill have lots of new pictures soon... and if anyone has myspace that i can chat with and learn some new things it would be nice.... my email to my myspace is demented_white_boy_916@yahoo.com
Twizted Deceptionz NationWide Car & Truck Club