i need that how much did it run you.
Hey just wondering were you got it and how much it ended up costing you i am also in canada and would like to know the best deals.
Sweet, that is what I hope to be doing next summer. Get it on and go out and take some videos.
Nathan meneely wrote:Hey just wondering were you got it and how much it ended up costing you i am also in canada and would like to know the best deals.
x2 can you PM me?
Looks like it will be fun
" To study and not think is a waste. To think and not study is dangerous. "
Must have been a big cat, as that is a heavy box....
Congrats! Looks like i'm not the only canadian on this site that has it now
Alex (silver03cav) wrote:Congrats! Looks like i'm not the only canadian on this site that has it now
I have it too since April beat that
and I wasn't the first in canada to get it
14.425 @ 97.833 mph stock + GMPP s/c on drag radials.
Bertland + DanteMustDie + Zwitter = one mean Eco S/C trio
Sick summer to come.
Sunfire 2005 Automatic - GMPP S/C + Motor Mounts + Drag Radials - 14.244 @ 96.497
Have fun bolting that sumbitch on...they're not fun
14.330 @ 96.37mph
Don't forget to do the alternator upgrade.....
Zwitter wrote:Bertland + DanteMustDie + Zwitter = one mean Eco S/C trio
Sick summer to come. ![](/global/images/emoticons/jbo.gif)
Oh @!#$ now we need a name
14.425 @ 97.833 mph stock + GMPP s/c on drag radials.
sweet, cant wait to get mine, its on route! and marchi1, what alt upgrade do you speak of?
GM suggests in the instructions to do the swap to a Cobalt/Ion alternator, as when you put the SC kit on it starts spinning your old alt the opposite direction. Isn't required but is a nice time to do it if you can find an alt at a salvage yard.
Course I have run my backwards for almost 30K.....
Bertland wrote:Order it from a chev dealer near my place, it took 2week to reseave it, I got the Employee price, but It around 3.900CDN regular price I think, you can check there also, they ship to Canada GM Crate Engine Depot
GM Canada MSRP is like $5,300 Canadian.
Regular price is $4,6xx.xx Canadian.
My Employee cost is $3,6xx.xx + tax.
Cheaper for us Canadians to order from the US.
Pace Parts sell it for $2,495.95 US = $2,858.86 Canadian + shipping... so save a few hundred this way.
Gonna be fun in 2007!
J-Body Club of Ontario (JCO)
Looks great in there...nice work and have fun!!
Eh...old man with a Corvette now...it was bound to happen sooner rather than later right?
nice .. hope you plan on trying it out at the track
14.82 @ 97 mph
I did the CobaltSS alternator swap when I installed the supercharger, but now that I sold the supercharger I don't need the alt. Dealer employee pricing on the alternator is $250 USD brand new. I'm probably going to list it in the classifieds section soon.
It really is a worthwhile upgrade because the 2.2 is now spun the opposite way and has very little cooling ability which means it's going to wear out that much faster. The CobaltSS alt is also a beefier unit with higher output. Anyone going with the SC should swap over.