Well I took the car out for a spin today and it feels realy realy weak! I recently added #42 injectors and AFPR from aeromotive, At WOT it runs very rich and the FPR is at its lowest setting so there is no tuning at this point that I can do. Can the rich condition be causing me to lose that much hp?! I have a 3.0 pulley on the charger now with a 2.9 on the in hope that the added boost will help lean it out a bit.
Any input?
well to answer your question, yes you def loose power from running too rich. I don't know much about the s/c for our applications, but do you think the 42# er's may be a bit much? how much boost are you making or were making as it seems?
which afpr did you end up going with and what is the base pressure set at?
Wow 42# injectors are fairly big... um do you have a wideband to see what the car is seeing in terms of AFR?
Yes, too much fuel fouls spark plugs, floods cylinders, ruins catalyic converters and kills power.
Slowly but surely may some day win this race...
And not to mention is fairly bad for your motor....diluted oil burns up bearings.
Leaner = Meaner. Generally the leaner your air / fuel mixture is, the more power you will make. The reason for wanting a richer than stoich mix is only to lower cylinder temps to avoid detonation and burning valves. Running any richer than needed to keep cylider temps within reason is just wasting power and gas. If you could run 14.7:1 without any knock and with EGT's within reason it would be ideal.
- 93 mph in the 1/8 mile
Member of J-Body Of Michigan.
his a/fs from what i remember befor the bigger injectors , were in the 11's then climbed into the mid 13's
and now they are in the 10's
the eco s/c kit comes with 36's, and stock idle pressure is in the low 50's , and since he cant use HP tuners , because of the eco reflash
on my 2.4 i went from the s/c kit 30's to 36's and droped the pressure from 50 to 30 , and now i see mid 11's , when i was at low 13's
so my thought was him doing the same when he was running into the 13's
agreed im running 14 psi so the #36's were maxed out bad and the car ran pretty lean at times. Right now i have the base pressure at 20psi with a good idle and A/F and mid range at good A/F but damn top end is crap
and in the 10s.
You need to HP tuner that thing up dude.
Let's talk over AIM. I might be able to help you out.
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i would if you were online
I'm on bud. Where are you?!?!
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and to all yes i do have a wideband
we worked out a plan to use 39lb injectors
and hp tuners wont work for him unless he goes back to the stock NON-s/c program , and re tunes the pcm with hp
GM royally screwed alot of eco people on this 1 , for what ever reason they have masked the data so hp tuners cant read it
[quote=97cavie24ls(JDM&00s/c sedans™)]we worked out a plan to use 39lb injectors
Eric and I are going to get this thing running dammnit!