Over the years i seen one dyno on pulleys( calvins car). he only gained a few HP by swapping pulleys.
I havent seen any real good proof or #s to make me want upgrade the pulley. Plus i dont like the idea on how to take that thing on/ off. I would be afraid on goofing something up.
For the guys who upgraded the pulleys, how the butt dyno feel? s/c louder? track times fall? please convince me. i wish i had the chance to ride in a cav with a smaller s/c pulley. keep in mind i am on the stock z24 injectors with a FMU/walbro pump and a M4 meth/water injector. so not sure how much i can push these injectors. thing is if i upgrade injectors, then i have to get a FPR, and then worry about how it idles (it idles like stock now and i love it), and probably something to control them. Then why not re wire it to a 97 ecu and run HP tuners. see the sno ball effect going here. i am happy on the way it runs and pulls now on 5 psi, i just dont want to start tossing more $ into this when it runs so well as it sits. like i said, i just cant justify adding 2 more lbs of boost and possibly going through a whole new list of mods to accomadate the extra boost.
I remember riding in mike jazz's cav , i think he had a smaller pulley on, but that was 4-5 years ago. I found a sorta local guy here with the s/c on his 99, think he had a intake/full ehxuast and HO tranny. i took him for a ride in my car and he said something was seriously wrong with his .
I personally have a goal of 200whp,13 second time slip and 30mpg(got that ) all on the stock pulley and 150k stock isuzu tranny. Thing is i dont live close to a good track like i used to (moved 3 hours up north). there are a few dyno;s i want to check out. other then that it is just messing with a few cars on the street to compare my car(not much anymore as i got busted trying to race a mid 13 second older dodge muscle car, damn it- never got a clean go at it.)
so share your info/thoughts.
when i swapped from the 2.7 to the 2.6 with the new air intake and the alky injection not working properly i noticed a huge difference
if you want, get a quickchange setup and then you can change pulleys within 5 minutes no problem and you can try them out at the track
ive been happy with the 6-7 psi i see on mine , but i got a proto type s/c
and i do recomend getting a quick change if you get 1 , it saves the end of the pulley sits on
use anti-seize on the bolts so they dont stick in the hub
im not sure what size pulley is on mine , but i think its smaller than the 2.8 on the production , and ive been happy with it , so much so i havent seen need to change it
Well....when I first put the quickchange hub and 2.7, the s/c got a little louder and the car felt a little stronger.....but to me the 2.6 made a world of a difference. s/c is very loud now as compared to stock. I get ALOT more of those "what the hell is that?" looks now haha.........
And Jake if u get the quickchange set then at least if you end up not liking the smaller pulleys, you can just get a 2.8 and be back to stock........BUT I don't think you will go back to 2.8 after you try a smaller pulley

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aint that the embree set up you guys have?
i dont think the stock injectors would be good @ what 8 psi that pully puts out.
so the pulley boys quick change set up is only 150$.
how u guys remove the stock pulley? any tips. do i need there pulley puller for 100$?
I've been told a power steering pulley puller works....... AutoZone has one you can rent.
'02 Z24 420whp
'04 GTO 305whp
W41 BOI -
'78 Buick Opel Isuzu W41 Swap
Yea a ps puller should work...I know a few people have used that.....I actually bought the freakin puller....o well

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as long as the obvious things are taken care of there shouldnt be any problem, your alky injection seems to work fine so the extra heat by more boost shouldnt be a problem, and if your able to add more fuel to run that boost then there is no reason not to

1989 Turbo Trans Am #82, 2007 Cobalt SS G85
Larger crank pulley? The Ford boys are doing it.
O noes!
I'm on the same boat as you Jake.
So... Listening.
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-----The orginal Mr.Goodwrench on the JBO since 11/99-----

find a group of grand prix gtp's , they always have a puller
I just used a 3 jaw pully puller to remove mine. You will prolly here it go pop when it breaks free. Putting it on is the hard part unless yours has the threaded shaft. Mine did so I was able to use a power steering pump pully installer to put it back on and it was a breeze.

Jake wrote:i am happy on the way it runs and pulls now on 5 psi
Why not keep it at 5 psi then? If you won't be happy with what you get, then don't do it.
ya i am content with it now. but you know how boost goes, once you get used to it you want more.
bobby- what are your fuel mods? would you be willing to lend me the puller?
threaded shaft- i hope mine is. it was a early s/c i think.
my dilema would be getting the new pulley back on. do you have to heat it up? or best bet would be get a power steering puller removing tool and installer. them two different tools?
thanks for the replies.
My fuel mods right now are the adjus. fpr at 40 at the moment.....s/c injectors....and fmu....Been runnin that now for over a year and its been high 11s on my wideband...
Yea if u wanna borrow the puller I can send it to ya...Just lemme know when

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cool. i will let you know. thanks a ton. what water injection injector size u have? m5 right i thought.?
a guy e mailed me and has the pulley boys 2.7 pulley and hub for sale for 100$ shipped.
so the 2.7 pulley is what 6-7 psi?
i think that might be the way to go with me, as i still am on the stock z24 injectors.
Jake wrote:threaded shaft- i hope mine is. it was a early s/c i think.
Mine isn't. I had no issues putting the Pulleyboys hub on though using the oven and a propane torch.
dont have to heat it up , but it does help some if you can get it on fast
most of the pulliers have the installer also , atleast the after market 1's
also, the guy said he used a smaller belt. ? is that true- do u need to use a smaller belt.
I did have the m5 but I actually went back to the m3 and haven't had any problems.......
And you don't need to change belts with either the 2.7 or 2.6.............but I did go with a shorter belt on the 2.6.....

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thanks for the info.
i am uncertain on buying that guys pulley set up. i might just want to get it over the winter. and have it next summer. i got some little odds and ends i should take care of first. i am trying to get my brothers wideband set up and see how rich/lean i am running now . that would be a good idea b4 i throw more boost at it.
plus. i just wanted to get some info and i got plenty. thanks

My personal opinion is that you should step up a size in injectors, you said you have a afpr right? Dont go to a large injector, maybe like a 320cc injector or something along those lines from RC, and back off the idle fuel pressure a bit and it will idle like stock. I idled Brown tops fairly well, still a little rich on my wideband, but, not too bad. THEN worry about stepping down a pulley size or two. That is my opinion. But hey, if you have a wideband available, you can only throw it on there and see what the a/f ratios are like, and if they are ok with z24 injectors, go for it.
[quote=97cavie24ls(JDM&00s/c sedans™)]dont have to heat it up , but it does help some if you can get it on fast
most of the pulliers have the installer also , atleast the after market 1's
How else would you get it on without the threaded shaft on the blower? The puller can install... but it needs the threads on the end of the shaft to pull the shaft through the pulley.
Without them... heating is just about the only option short of drilling and tapping threads or taking the blower apart and using a press.
thanks for the info fst cavy.
my fuel mods are a cartech FMU, walbro pump and water/meth injection(m4). when i started off on the blower i had HO injectors and a FPR and a 135k miled stock fuel pump. the plugs looked horriable and i cant imagine how i didnt blow it up. since the walbro pump, FMU and water injection, my plugs look awesome.
so that sounds good, see what my a/f ratio is as i sit now, then worry about more boost. i just wish i had some dyno #'s and track times to show you people what the stock pulley can do, cuz it pulls pretty damn hard for 5 psi and the mods i have.
so plan is : summer here- get the wideband on and see how i sit (brother lives 3 hours away and i dont see him much).
winter- if a/f looks good, look into buying a smaller pulley, or the racetech larger crank( i would rather go that route).
so thanks again for the replies.