are the injectors for the 00+ 2.4 and Eco the same? How about the injector spacing in the rail and the head? Could a 2.4's rail and injectors be used on a Eco?
Also are the rails for the 96-98 2.4 (low res) the same as the 00+ 2.4 (hi res)?
Sven you totally quarterloafed your computer..
cool cool. so theoretically pre-2k low imp injectors from a 2.4 can be put in an eco rail and fit in the holes in an eco head, then correct? I know not to use them with the Eco, since the impedence is not right, that's not the question. TY Shifted, very helpful as usual
Sven you totally quarterloafed your computer..
cuz of the spacer things?
Sven you totally quarterloafed your computer..