...cause mine was damn near empty after a half hour trip yesterday and it was full when I left.
i can empty mine realy quick... i have a couple 2l pop bottles full of mix with me at all times
what do you have your boost switch set to turn on at?
how often are you hitting boost?
these are a couple ?'s that can help your usage of mix
i used about a quart i think, little more since march. i dont get on the car all the time though.
what ^^ he said , depends on how often your in boost also
if your never in boost and its empty then you either got a leak on the check valve is backwards and its being sucked in under vacuum
Did you ever put a new check valve on? Maybe since its not on..the excess water is gettin in and being wasted?????
It also depends on ur injector size...I know I used a TON more with the M5 than I do with the M3...
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ya, forgot to add that. i am on a m4 injector now. i got on the car alot last year and i didnt use hardly anything with a m2 injector.