Alright guys I am going to pick up the last items I need to install my turbo kit. The only other question was what size silicone vaccum line do I need to purchase? I was told 1/4 inch but just wanted to double check. Also if I am running an internal setup do I just have to connect the bov to a vaccum line or do I need to T off of the turbo and wastegate as well? Thanks in advance!
~Boost. Its what's for dinner!~
BOV can be and should be run off a seperate vac line from the manifold. 1/4 seems good size for vac lines
So I just need to tap into and T the intake manifold vac line and just connect that to the bov and I am set? If so I think I don't even need to pick any extra line up lol yay!
~Boost. Its what's for dinner!~