Im trying to look into roots type superchargers for my 2200, and the stuff ive found say its mostly impossible. What i want, as well as the power and respect, is the whine. the "HHHUUUUUAAAAAIIIIIIIIGH!!!" all across the powerband. The Ford's ive ridden in just Em Effing scream from the roots type charger, but would a centrifugal or vortech, since their more Turbo'ish, make the sound i dream about? And I definitely dont want a Turbo, thats my dilemma with my fetish in this instance.
The vortech s/c has a distinct sound at idle, but through the powerband it doesnt sound much like a roots.
The roots has its own nice whine ... but i haven't seen a roots for the 2200, so you might be better off going with a Jtuners turbo kit or building your own.
It would have to be 100% completely custom-built. You could remote mount it like many OEM setups, or remove the power steering pump and fabricate a manifold to adapt it to the head.
fortune cookie say:
better a delay than a disaster.
I rode in a Chev Malibu with twin S/C's from Ford 3.8's. The noise was deafening. But no one ever bothered to race the car just due to the sound.
I'm with Notec. Impossible is not the same as impractical. How much time and money do you want to apply to this project?
The Eaton M45 is a common "Roots supercharger" today. The design of the rotors move air efficiently without the huge changes in air temp that the old blowers created, a recirculation valve cuts down on parasitic losses when less than full boost performance is desired, and good bearings help keep it reliable. It's a fairly efficient blower. But you don't want efficiency, you want loud.
You're probably better off looking for an older M40 for an old, loud unit. I found a couple on (93-95 Jag XJR) for about $950. Seems like they always show up at swap meets for reasonable money, but they always seem to need a rebuild. Based on what I saw with the Malibu an ambitious guy could build a working setup without spending large dollars for custom machine work. But in the process he'd learned a long, sad tale about the belts, pulleys, and bearings that could be bought and lost trying to work out the bugs.