Is it bad if a my used autometer boost gauge is at 3 psi when he's unhooked?
if its mechanical yes , itll be 3 psi off
Another Autometer gauge that isn't calibrated...what a shocker.
I used to race cars, now I race myself.
5K PB: 24:50
10K PB: 54:26
Mine isnt hooked up right now and its on like 1 psi but sometimes its at 0 also.
when unhooked min was at 0. i played with it with a hose(i don't suck so well) and it would come up to like 3psi but go right back to zero.
Team Vision Racing (aka hypsy) wrote:Another Autometer gauge that isn't calibrated...what a shocker.
its not matter of the calibration
its the fact people who use them dont know what they are doing and over tighten the fittings on the back and only use 1 toll to remove them
Thats Him Officer The WICKED One.
autometers tend to be off which is dumb i havent had mine off but you hear about it constantly.
*2012 mazdaspeed3*
I have an autometer pro comp ultra light boost gauge. Mine is not hooked up and reads around 1 psi. Is there anyway to calibrate it? Will it be accurate if I do not do any thing to it and just hook it up?
[quote=97cavie24ls(JDM&00s/c sedans™)]
Team Vision Racing (aka hypsy) wrote:Another Autometer gauge that isn't calibrated...what a shocker.
its not matter of the calibration
its the fact people who use them dont know what they are doing and over tighten the fittings on the back and only use 1 toll to remove them
Oh it is by far a issue of calibration. One of my best friends had an Autometer gauge that read at 4PSI from the day he got the package. He now has a Stewart Warner and that hasn't been off zero while the car is off in 3 years now. Autometer has a GIANT (like 5PSI range size) zero zone for a reason...they can't calibrate their @!#$. Stewart Warner on the other hand has the zero spot as just another line like every other reading. That's how it should be.
I used to race cars, now I race myself.
5K PB: 24:50
10K PB: 54:26
My Stewart Warner gauge points at zero when the car's off.
my autometer guage is perfect, both my boost and nitrious guages work awsome. autometer is on 0.
I had that innitial problem in the beginning it ended up being the plastic hose that was used for the vaccum/boost was sorta kinked so I shortened it to the exact lenght and now my phaze gauges are at zero when the car is turned off. its also a mechanical sweep kind.
**changes are here**
Wade Jarvis wrote:I have an autometer pro comp ultra light boost gauge. Mine is not hooked up and reads around 1 psi. Is there anyway to calibrate it? Will it be accurate if I do not do any thing to it and just hook it up?
Can anyone shed some light on the last two ?s
if you just hook it up it will be 1psi out. judging from what they have been saying about the fittings, if you hold the fitting with a wrench and the guage in your hand so you can watch, you turn the fitting ever so slightly till the guage goes back to 0. not 100% but that's the idea i'm getting from a couple of previous posts about people over tightening the fitting and not using 2 wrenches to hold it.
As for whether it's accurate... if you know anyone else with a boost gauge that works, you can tee it in and run them side by side to see how they compare.
I have the Ultralite as well, never had any calibration issues. Unless I'm making boost, it's stuck on 0.
14.330 @ 96.37mph
had the same issue with my DEFI 35 PSI boost gauge. It was a matter of adjusting how much vac. line I was running, and now it is perfect. Reads 20-25 PSI perfect
'97 Z24
2004 JBO Bash Quick 8 Qualifier