BoostedCavi wrote:BLKSLEEPER . wrote:BoostedCavi wrote:
you were all part of it, had dumb ass bobby calling me telling me the charge pipes I had made were different in size so the velocity changes were too great.........
I seen Bobby the other day and mentioned your issues to him. Accroding to him "I was just the messanger, don't shoot the messanger".
He had nothing to do on the work and decisions that were made to your car.
if he was JUST the messanger, then why did he explain to me some bull@!#$ about the pipes being different in size, he gave me a load of crap. PERIOD. does he even work for Real Slow Manufacturing anymore ????
Well Lee, Bobby had to make the calls to you because his boss said so! I'm sure almost everyone on here has had to do a job or something that they didn't want to do but had to because of higher authorities. In my opinion, they did have a point with you changing pipe sizes inconsistantly, but I'm not going to start an arguement with you about that on this forum.
Bobby does not work for RSM anymore. Infact, by the time your car was completed, he was already gone from there. Therefore, he has no idea what the end result was with your project. From what I know, he has moved on with his career in his field. He is still in the car scene thou. He gave me good service so I have no reason to trash talk him.
Wow, I bought the crank pulley, and the throttle body from them. 2 separate orders. Guess I was just lucky I had no problem with either. I've heard several other people outside of JBO complaining and warning against them since I bought those parts. Won't be goin back there for anything. ...And yes, I noticed the price jump too. Way more than I paid last year.
ya craig was a good guy when i talked to him.
i been telling you people of the JBO for fricken years about rsm's crap stuff and now to see most of the people that were arguing againest me are realizing it. That is all too funny.
i believe that bobby and craig left around the same time
i showed up one day to get some work done (craig had me booked for) and nelson was like, ya they both quit
so needless to say i havent gone back
but i can vouch for both craig and booby being upstanding people
i did find nelson to be a little shaddy sometimes
From personal experience RSM's customer service SUCKS!!!!
The only part I've ever bought from that joke of a place is a TB, and that's only because a) it was on sale and b) I dealt with Craig.
While it sucks hearing so many stories of people being screwed over badly by them, it doesn't surprise me one bit.

14.330 @ 96.37mph
Yea i have an ecotec alt pulley from rsm, funny how it wont fit on the damn alt!!!
But i do love the crank pulleys from there. sad to see all the bad pricing now.
I also noticed that "" stopped selling RSM stuff.
QBE (73H 800573D 0N3) wrote:I remeber them quoting me 800$ for ecotec SS valves I laughed in the dudes face and hung up
haha, that was me dope...... you called High Rev...... I had JJ call Nelson..... he told us, I laughed at him...... then I relayed it to you........ and you laughed at me.....
Rodimus Prime wrote:That place has really gone downhill, before a few persons worked there it wasnt that bad and since they have left its gotten even worse, they dont even have anyone answering the phones anymore, everything is done through email which is very slow, I'm trying to get a new hose for my kit because thier flawed design has the belt so close to the hose and no protection on it when the belt frayed it cut a groove in my hose now i have a small coolant leak that could be big at any moment, god knows when they will reply to me or what crazy amount they will want to charge me, prob like 100 bucks or something like that we'll see, not to mention they wanted to sell me a new tensioner after I explained the one I had wasnt working due to design. All they want is money they arent interested in improving thier design at all. I used to be one of thier biggest advocates but I can only be screwed for so long, they dont care anymore and its showing
Sounds like HR went to Canada to work for RSM..... lol
Wild Weasel wrote:I'm happy the stuff about Craig was cleared up before I got back to this. 
I've known Craig for a few years now and I know he's one of the good guys. Tends to speak in Salesman now and then, but he's never been out to screw anyone over.
Hell, he was probably the best thing that ever happened with that company. It sounds though like he stood against everything they believe in.
This whole thread now makes me feel better about the whole thing.
I'd just as soon not have anything from the ungrateful bastards, knowing how they've treated people who've given them a lot more money than I have!
sounds like me while I was at HR...... I was the only one that would answer the phone most of the time, even tried to help a few RSM customers that they stopped responding too.....
urweak wrote:anyone else notice there price increase on parts?
I did.....

are they CRAZY? I was going to pick up a 62mm 2.3 t/b....... NOT anymore......
Jake wrote:ya craig was a good guy when i talked to him.
i been telling you people of the JBO for fricken years about rsm's crap stuff and now to see most of the people that were arguing againest me are realizing it. That is all too funny.
lol...... werd...... didnt it take them over 6 months to get you your 62mm t/b and intake? and then they brought it to the bash for you? Did they still charge shipping on that?
I just dont understand how they can charge what they do, and how they can treat their customers how they do...... and still be in buisness so long.....
'02 Z24 420whp
'04 GTO 305whp
W41 BOI -
'78 Buick Opel Isuzu W41 Swap
Even though I don't own a stupid a$$ jbody no more, I genuinely feel bad for the people who have been screwed over....oddly enough, there are so many of you. i literally felt sick when I read the $1700 total loss for SunfighterGT. uggghhhhhh
I still know a few people here and there that are in the scene and what not. Every SINGLE person that I ever speak to about GM aftermarket parts will see me barf over RSM. And I also hope that the fu*ktard running this shady business gets run over by a 18 wheeler or something. Go to hell RSM, and the people that run it. BUMS...
Adrock, you rock so well
What you people have to realize is this...
RSM does NOT care about their general public customers. Why do you think they are open 9-4 Mon-Fri ONLY??? I mean seriously, who the heck can make it there during those hours, to afford their products, you HAVE to be employed and WELL PAID. So therefore, would have to work during those hours. All they care about is the cars they get from GM for free that they can throw their @!#$ty ass parts on and show em off. Seriously, what kinda company closes its doors for more than 2 weeks in the summer to go to a show??? Did they really need EVERYONE to go???
I was the one that had to go pick up SunfighterGT's clutch because i had a day off and there was no way he could make it there during their crappy ass hours. As soon as I told Nelson I wanted to call Chris to make sure the part number was correct(he got the right number directly from Spec), Nelson told me "I will call him in a bit." I was like "no chance in hell, IIII am calling him RIGHT NOW to confirm." After I confirmed tthe part number, I was gonna give him an earful, but he ran like a scared little girl to the backshop before I even got off the phone.
I have said it before and I will say it again, deal with them and you WILL get screwed.
now that we got the $h!t wagon rollin' lets not forget about Mantapart, dont want them to feel left out. Slandor against them doesnt seem to bother them because they are fully aware of everyone sharing their horrible experiences dealing with them and yet they keep on treating new customers the same way. my experience with them is too tiresome to go into again just know it really really sucked.
ive been having the same problem with they've been screwing me over on a return goods number for about 2 weeks now plus it took almost 20 days just to get thy part
WOW , you realize this is a old ass post right ?
ya i was wondering who brought this one back from the dead
ah good times, good times