Please settle an argument for me.
I have plans to maybe install a radar detector in my car (illegal where I live) in a hidden location. Someone told me that the police have a "radar detector detector" that lets them know you have one.
I maintain that since the radar detector only RECEIVES signals and does not transmit, that this is physically impossible.
IS it possible? I don't see how it would work.
Thanks for any knowledge you can drop on me.
Yes its called V2, look for a radar detector for V2 technology. Remember it detects signal but every electronic device gives off electronic noise.
ive always wanted to know does the V2 technology block the radar detector detector signal? or does it just tell u that its being used?
VG2 actually...It basically puts the detector into a Cloaked mode. I don't know if it does it quick enough that they wouldn't catch it or not'd have to search the reviews for that I think.
its called spread spectrum, you need a radar detector that switches frequencies extremely fast so that it can't be detected. good luck finding one
14.82 @ 97 mph
yes my detector is the best!! Escort 8500 all the way! Worth th3 $450
^^ Escorts are the best. I spent $90 on a Cobra. Works great.
Police DO have radar-detector-detectors.
And no, VG-2 does not "block" their radars. VG-2 is basically a radar-detector-detector-detector. So you can know if the cop knows you have a radar detector.
You can get jammers, but those are illegal everywhere and you can go to jail for them, unless you have an FCC license to transmit.
Even if radar detectors are legal in your state, if you get pulled over and the cop knows you were speeding, they will not be lenient in giving you a ticket.
If your radar detector does start going off, use your parking brake to slow down... (A) No brake lights (B) car wont nose dive - dead give away to cops of you speeding with a radar detector.
Radar detector or not, if you get pulled over for speeding, the officer must have you "locked" at a speed. Meaning you were clocked at the same speed 3 consecutive times. Without this, he cannot put an exact speed on the ticket, hence no speeding ticket. He can still give you reckless driving or whatever. And, if you are asked "Do you know how fast you were going?" never tell them. If you admit to a speed that is higher then the speed they have you locked at (or admit to a speed when they dont have you locked at all) they can give you a ticket for the speed you admitted to.
Most radar detecters now also detect lasers. Remember lasers can only be used while the squad car is stopped, and it only takes one ZAP to get you. Radars can be used while the squad car is stopped or in motion, although they are rarely used while the squad is stopped, and require you to be locked at a speed (as stated above).
Also remember that when a cop is attempting to use his radar, he will usually need to get close to you so he is able to prove it is you (and not another car or a tree).
One last thing... Radars and lasers alike only work from the front and back. Think about it. If you get shot with a radar from the side, it will return 0 mph. There are radar detectors out there that have arrows to tell you where the source of radar or laser came from. My opinion on these... waste of money.
-- The The One One --
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