Easier way to wire??? HELP! - Audio & Electronics Forum

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Easier way to wire??? HELP!
Sunday, April 10, 2005 4:30 PM
alright, so a while ago i purchased 6 10" neons, and an 18" neon. i wired them myself to switches quite a while ago.

since it was nice out today, i decided i'd work on my car. i sat down on the inside and thought about what to do. i came to the final decision that i need to change around my wiring. my old wiring was a mess, wires EVERYWHERE i swear.

anyways, is there an easier way to wire to a 2-way switch...
i've been taking each neon to their own switch;
that means i've been taking one wire from the battery to the switch, and then another from the switch to the positive wire on the neon. the negative wire on the neon was just put to a ground source from there.

if you think about it, that many wires x 6 is a buttload of wires.

anyone know of an easier way about doing this? any info is great!

Re: Easier way to wire??? HELP!
Sunday, April 10, 2005 4:58 PM
well, do you want to have them on individually? or all at once? If all at once, run your switched power lead to a barrier strip, and then branch to your lites from that.

Otherwise, I'm listening to anyone else's ideas too

Re: Easier way to wire??? HELP!
Sunday, April 10, 2005 6:04 PM
I dont know why you want them switched individually... thats kind weird...

But non the less... you can use the same hot and ground to all the switches...

HOT ----------- Switch -------------- neon ------------- ground
------ Switch -------------- neon -------
------ Switch -------------- neon -------
------ Switch -------------- neon -------

but i would much suggest...

HOT ----------- Switch -------------- neon ------------- ground
------- neon -------
------- neon -------
------- neon -------

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Re: Easier way to wire??? HELP!
Sunday, April 10, 2005 7:22 PM
use a relay..

Re: Easier way to wire??? HELP!
Sunday, April 10, 2005 9:10 PM
what he said!

Re: Easier way to wire??? HELP!
Sunday, April 10, 2005 11:06 PM
I tapped my cig lighter behind the dash. I used the hot off of that to power my switch, then from the switch, I ran a hot down to my console. Under that, I put in 2 distribution strips ($.35 from an electronics store): One is all hot, and the other is all ground (I grounded it to the body under the carpet, no use running extra wires back up). From here, I ran 14ga speaker wire to all my neons, as it is paired, and makes for easy tucking and positive and negative are easy to identify.

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"Sup, G?"
"Aren't you white?"
"Only on the outside, craka."
Re: Easier way to wire??? HELP!
Monday, April 11, 2005 12:06 PM
bloodspiller has a decent idea too...

Re: Easier way to wire??? HELP!
Monday, April 11, 2005 10:42 PM
your using to much current off the cig lighter i would run a completely seperarate power wire to the battery

Re: Easier way to wire??? HELP!
Tuesday, April 12, 2005 10:48 AM
I ran quiet a lot from my cig lighter fuse, 2 10' inch neons, 2 10' round neons and a 15ft rope light, I wired them all to that and had a switch off the ground of the neons no problems with blow fuses

Re: Easier way to wire??? HELP!
Tuesday, April 12, 2005 12:24 PM
the cig lighter can handle it... its made that way, because lots of things have cig lighter adapters and it has to carry the current
if and when u start blowing fuses u need to find another source

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