i got an xm roady 2 and was wondering if there was any way to power it other than the cigarette lighter plug, i hate having the ugly plug pokin out from the dash. is there any way to permanantly wire it so it will turn off when i turn the car off.
thanks for any info/help
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does it have six volts as an output on the plug? If so there is a ghetto way to do it but you need to elt me knmow if that is what it says on it.
You can buy a cig socket that just has wires out the back to splice behind the dash...come to think of it, the xm install kit should have had one in it.
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"Sup, G?"
"Aren't you white?"
"Only on the outside, craka."
the roady doesnt come with it...however, the fm direct accessory does. not only does it give you a cig outlet to plug it in, it has a wired modulator to increase the sound quality and less static while moving, for 30 bux, its well worth it!
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i dont have any static at all so im not worried about that, im trying to eliminate the ugly plug stickin out of my dash. yes it does make the 12 volts coming in to a 6 volt current. thanks for the help everyone
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Ok what you can do is take the plug apart and make sure you keep the internals together. Then solder in some lines. to the pos and ground connections. ITs a pain in the ass. if you get it wrong poof up in smoke. Or you can take the plug and solder directly onto the plug a lead. The tip is positive. and one of the sides is the ground. Then you just wire it in. Like I said its ghetto but it does work. Im almost ashamed to even know that trick.
lol its cool everyone knows some way to jerry rig something!!! thanks for the help i appreciate it!!
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