JBL and Amp Question in General "Fuses" - Audio & Electronics Forum
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Alright well I have a JBL 1200.1 BP amp so this thing packs a punch 1200 watts rms at 1 or 2 ohm to be exact. Anyways it takes 3-40 amp fuses which I blew, I picked up an extra set and have been unable to install them they blow trying to install them no matter how I try or anything I can't understand what i'm doing wrong, I've never had this problem ever with any amps in my lifetime. I don't even wanna think of this, but could it be somethign wrong with the amp out of nowhere?
what ohm load are you presenting it. I don't think it should give the same power at 2 different ohm loads....
Make sure you don't have your subs wired to .5 ohms or something. I know someone who did that (2 DVC's, each coil 2ohms) and tried to run that off of a 4 ohm amp. That was funny.
Hell hath no fury like a pissed off balloon animal.
"Sup, G?"
"Aren't you white?"
"Only on the outside, craka."
you must have some type of direct short circuit between the power wire and ground wire, hence why when you put in the fuses they are almost instantly blowing. take off the power wire, install, and troubleshoot from there.
- Sold my beloved J in April 2010 -
I have taken off the power wire and installed the fuses this of course works fine, but when I go to reinstall the power wire they instantly blow again? anymore ideas and thanks for the suggestions, also it really isn't invloved with the wiriing of the subs that iit correct and also the manual and JBL themselves states the same power output at 1 and 2 ohms but that is off target for what I'm trying to figure out.
first thing to look for is a direct short. a power wire coming in direct contact with the metal of the car. trace your power wire and look for a break.
If that's not the case...most likely a problem with the amp itself. i'm gonna go ahead and assume the amp was purchased used?
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No the amp was purchaseed brand new, its not that big of a deal if its messed up its still under warranty, but I just wanted to check everything first before sending it in for a warranty claim
I have the same problem. I have a pioneer amp with two 25 fuses, and as soon as i connect the power wire back up the instantly blow, Ive searched the whole power wire and cannot find any shorts in it, and i have the amp grounded in the trunk. i sanded the paint and put a screw through the metal so the ground shouldnt be a problem. any other ideas would really be helpful. Im just hoping that its not the amp itself
i wonder if your trigger (12V switched) is wired straight up to 12V or grounding out, that ould blow them.
Injection is nice but id rather be BLOWN!
hmm the blue wire coming from my head unit is split one going into the wiring harness and the other to my amp, since there my vehichle doesnt have a power anteana could the other wire going into the wiring harness be grounding out and causing this?
I accidentally installed my friends amp backwards (I put the ground on the power and vise versa) and it blew fuses instantly. I've installed several amp setups before, but there's always room for errors.
the deck grounding out should only affect the deck, not the amp... I could be wrong though
Andy Rust wrote:I have the same problem. I have a pioneer amp with two 25 fuses, and as soon as i connect the power wire back up the instantly blow, Ive searched the whole power wire and cannot find any shorts in it, and i have the amp grounded in the trunk. i sanded the paint and put a screw through the metal so the ground shouldnt be a problem. any other ideas would really be helpful. Im just hoping that its not the amp itself
not to be mean but are you sure there's a ground in the metal you screwed it into? take a 12v wire and tap it to your ground to make sure there IS a ground going through it. to my knowledge, that doesnt hurt anything in the car except short the battery for a second. Just make sure if you have a fuse in your test wire that you have spares. I can get a set of 12 ATO fuses for $1. The plastic melts really easy on them though so dont use them with amps/wires that get hot
yea its deffinately grounded, just to make sure i moved my ground wire to the bolt holding the seat belts down, and it still blows fuses, I also tried disconnecting the blue trigger wire, and it blows them with that disconnected also I really am out of ideas, ive gone over the power wire a hundred times, Ive had the amp for 4 years now and i think it finally just gave up on me, any other ideas would be helpful though.
fues blow from too much juice or being connected wrong. the amp only draws so much current so the size of the wire is out of the picture. only things I can think of is the amps power being grounded, amp being connected wrong, or the amp is bad. try redoing the entire setup (rip the entire power wire out, take off the ground, and reconnect everything again) and see if you can troubleshoof from there. Nothing else I can think of...
look at the connection on the amp. and make sure there are no stray strands from the ground or power wire contacting the terminal beside it.
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alright well i m stumped there are no strands of the ground touching the + or vise versa, later this week im going to take the amp and reconnect it to the wiring i have set up in my other car, if it blows i know its in the amp, either way thanks for all your help
lol I normally suggest "bench testing" the amps in your house with a battery charger, dont think I mentioned that here though.
You could always take it to a local audio shop to have it bench tested.
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