Hey guys, kind of sub do you think would sound better in a sunfire- two 10" MTX's or two 10" Pioneers??
Thanks for you input
both of those companies make various model subwoofers in both sizes, more details please....
My vote goes for the MTX - kinda cheap but they can take a serious beating. (provided we're not talking about the $50 specials)
Go with mtx. They only do speakers, subs mainly. Mtx has never done me wrong, and even my friend's bottom of the line 10 hits pretty damn hard, as long as he keeps it in the enclosure I built him. MTX subs are great, especially for the price, and their amps can't be beat in my book, at least not without spending ungodly amounts of money.
Hell hath no fury like a pissed off balloon animal.
"Sup, G?"
"Aren't you white?"
"Only on the outside, craka."
i have pioneers in my car and tehy hit hard i am even taking the car to an audio show this summer when it is all done.
MTX makes good subs only pioneer premier is good

1989 Turbo Trans Am #82, 2007 Cobalt SS G85
MTX all the way, they have the higher quality subs than Pioneer. I have 2 pioneer 10's and they are alright since I'm not going for the ultimate in bass pounding sound in my cavy. MTX's make some seriously large sized magnet subs that pound hard.
i have the premiers best investment i have made.
I go with pioneer in head units, but other companies get my vote for speakers. Infinity and MTX.
Hell hath no fury like a pissed off balloon animal.
"Sup, G?"
"Aren't you white?"
"Only on the outside, craka."
If your going for quality, those 2 would not be on my list. I would suggest looking into JBL and Infinity.
Fact 1:
“Facts are meaningless. You could use facts to prove anything that’s even remotely
id have to say that for subs mtx is one of the best reasonably priced ones(infinity makes great midrange/components but as far as subs ive never been a big fan), pioneer has god HU but they dont match my interior so i refuse to use them(as for their subs EEEK run away)
Bloodspiller wrote:Go with mtx. They only do speakers, subs mainly. Mtx has never done me wrong, and even my friend's bottom of the line 10 hits pretty damn hard, as long as he keeps it in the enclosure I built him. MTX subs are great, especially for the price, and their amps can't be beat in my book, at least not without spending ungodly amounts of money.
u do know that mtx makes amps right?
as far as wich to choose, both can be made to sound good. just stay away from the bottom rung of equipment and youlle be fine.
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MTX makes awesome amps in my opinion, but they started as a speaker company. Sorry I didn't think that post through completely.
Hell hath no fury like a pissed off balloon animal.
"Sup, G?"
"Aren't you white?"
"Only on the outside, craka."
I have 3 MTX Thunder8000 in my car.
i have one MTX Thunder 8000 in my car, and i have a friend running 2 pioneers, all subs are 12" in these cars, and my one sub running about 500 watts RMS beats his 2 runnin about 700 RMS. they pound harder in sealed boxes i have found. (but note that is the Thunder 8000 single voice coil. not the dual voice coil subs) i got 5 year warrantie and i had them in my house hooked up to the house stereo for about 2 years till i got an amp that could run it. and even in the house it rattled everything. remember this is in my humble oponion.
Travis Nobert
Travis Enterprise
Come on down to Evolution Audio in Edmonton Alberta, and I can HOOK YOU UP.
definitly mtx all the way........
"if you ever get lost in the woods, build a house"