Well, i sold my two infinity 12" subs and my box to my friend who sold me my cavalier and he has it hooked up in his car to a power accoustic 2 channel something amp...i dont know exactly what amp it is...something like 980 watts peak? Anyways, he came in to where we work saying that he though that he blew one of the subs and this is like 2 weeks after i sold him the whole thing. so i went out to his car and checked it out...it sounded like he blew one of the channels on the amp....so i switched the wires around and the sub still didnt work so the amp was fine...the sub was getting no sound or movement what so ever. so i pulled the sub out of the box and all looked fine except that the wire connecting the negative terminal on the sub (single voice coil) had seem to have shorted and broken the solder joint on it....i thought that was pretty weird. On the terminal where the wire should be connected looked like it had shorted since there was some blackness around the old solder joint. So we bring it into my shop and i clean off the old solder joint and solder on the wire again and now it works fine.
Has something like this happened to anyone else around here? the speaker is a 12" infinity refference 1220w. Is this symptom a sign of bad things to come for the speaker? it sounds like its 100% again but i'm sure there is something still wrong with it seeing how something not good must have cause that to happen.
maybe he's over powering it and the speaker is trying to go further than its x-max? and when it moved far out there, it's pulling on the solder joint? i dunno..
just a broken tinsel lead, happens all the time. Your lucky it broke at the solder joint and not in the middle.
Offical dealer for the following-
I see dead people!!
sorry couldn't help it.
<IMG SRC="http://memimage.cardomain.com/member_images/6/web/642000-642999/642348_12.jpg" HEIGHT=140 WIDTH=240>
and you say it couldn't be done.....
wysiwyg wrote:just a broken tinsel lead, happens all the time. Your lucky it broke at the solder joint and not in the middle.
yeah, i was thinking exactly that when i looked at it. so it should be fine, right? i know how to solder from when i worked for a guy who built guitars so i know the joint i soldered back on there was good.
as long as it simply broke at the terminal. and not in the middle of the lead. When it burns right in the middle, you lose a lot of length, so when you re-solder it, it's not as long and it'll snap again when you play it hard.
Solder it and see what happens.
Offical dealer for the following-
i would also suggest possibly lowering the gains slightly to avoid the problem in the future. There is probably a reason it happened after only 2 weeks and it's most likely caused by the gain being too high.
thats the thing, the gain on his amp is nearly off! before he had a Fosgate P3 12" on that amp with the gain cranked...i put in my box and he played it and it sounded horrible so i turned down the gain all the way and played with the low pass and it plays louder and cleaner than he has ever heard in his car.
maby it was just a @!#$ty connection from factory