why does my signal light blink twice as fast? - Audio & Electronics Forum
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i recently bought a new sunfire and the blinker light blinks twice as fast as its supposed to stock, i was wondering how the previous owner did this? could anyone shed some light?
Usually means that that side has a turn signal light out.
Yep. Turn the blinker on and walk around the car one will be out
Have a nice day.
Or the previous owner installed LED bulbs without resistors.
You're running low on blinker fluid, it's about five bucks at any NAPA for a quart. Easy fix, just pour it into your headlight filler cap.
4 lug wheel covers but 5 lug wheels underneath. Sleeper status yo...
No you guys don't get what I'm saying, when I get out of my car and I look at the blinkers blinking and they are going at a rate that is twice as fast. The inside indicator blinks twice as fast as well.
You have a burned out signal indicator. It's just that simple. we all understand what you are saying. Go outside and go to your car, turn on the blinker, then walk around. They will flash twice as fast as normal. replace the lamp on the outside that is blinking twice as fast. This is how a car tells you the blinker is blown. If I am not mistaken a double blink is the front, and a solid light is the back.
Ok so I went out to my car and turned my blinker on. When I exit the vehicle all 4 blinker bulbs are blinking twice as fast on the rear and in the front. If all of my signal indicators are blinking how can they be burnt? They are just blinking twice as fast on the EXTERIOR of the vehicle. Not one is burnt I have 4 good working exterior signal lights that just blink twice as fast.
Basically your saying If the exterior signal blings twice as fast then it is burnt. Well then how can it blink twice as fast if its burn I can see it blinking
look at the ones on the bottom of the bumpers. very easily missed. BAM!! problem solved
So if one blinker is burnt out all the rest of the signal lights blink twice as fast? And I don't have the ones along the side of the bumper, I have a bodykit without the side blinkers. I have fog lights with blinker bulbs in them at the bottom of my kit where the fogs would go I believe. Maybe the previous owner failed to delete the side marker blinkers in the headlights harness. Whorls that make all of my bulbs blink twice as fast? I like it I think it's kinda cool lol it's been like that since I bought the car.
IDK dude, Maybe you should ask the mechanic at the dealer.
well maybe that's the problem. Incorrect aftermarket installation. maybe the other bulbs are hidden behind the bodykit and both burnt out.
Listen 2 them or deal with it there's supposition 2 be 6 bulbs that blink ur missing 2 there's 2 in the rear 4 in the front they probably took bulbs out or cut them off when they put the bumper on
Since we don't know what year your Sunfire is... it's probably missing some sort of bulb that should be there. Wrong resistance = the bimetallic strip in the flasher module heats up faster, so the signals flash much quicker.
You could pull the flasher relay and install an electronic one instead... that will fix it for sure. The one I'm using (as I have LEDs in there) is the EP27 from Ebay. Cost me like $20.
because racecar
04 Cav. 2dr. 5spd. My DD. 'Nuff said.
if the bulbs are LEDs = hyperblink
you need a no-load flasher if you're trying to use LEDs
i dont think he even knows what he is asking anymore.
Thank you lenko, that exactly what I was looking for. I am missing my front side markers. Their is no cutout for them in my aftermarket front bumper so the previous owner removed the bulbs and taped up the harness.
ok so I havent bought my kit yet but this summer I am ordering a a eurethene(prolly spelled that wrong) rk sport street fire kit and i was wondering what i should do with my extra lights. car is a 99 gt btw. So i will have the sidemarker lights left. and in the back I will also have the side lights left. i was thinking cut them and tape them till I read this and realised itd do the same thing as when you have a blown bulb.So what should I do.
cant you just leave the bulbs plugged into the harness and tape or ziptie the assembly behind the bumper somewhere? the car will still think they're working in their normal spot. im doing this with my reverse lights since i have the pontiac panel on my cavalier...no reverse bulb mount locations. so i just leave them inside the tail panel and they function, you just cant see them.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edited Thursday, May 09, 2013 7:46 AM
04 Cav. 2dr. 5spd. My DD. 'Nuff said.
blu04DD wrote:cant you just leave the bulbs plugged into the harness and tape or ziptie the assembly behind the bumper somewhere? the car will still think they're working in their normal spot.

"In Oldskool we trust"
Y3llowCav wrote:blu04DD wrote:cant you just leave the bulbs plugged into the harness and tape or ziptie the assembly behind the bumper somewhere? the car will still think they're working in their normal spot.
yeah that was the plan but I wasnt sure if theyd get hot or anything.
just dont rest the bulb against plastic and there shouldnt be any issues. maybe ziptie them up against the frame somewhere, or rig up a resistor where the bulb goes so the computer thinks its sill making a proper current. but thats not my area, im a beginner when it comes to electrical stuff.
04 Cav. 2dr. 5spd. My DD. 'Nuff said.
alright.thanks, guess im gonna look and see where i can mount it when I get some free time.
Just tape them back up to your headlight harness, leave the bulbs in but wrap them in electrical tape.
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