hey guys i purchased a "CASCADE AUDIO ENGINEERING DK-1 SOUND DAMPING DOOR KIT" on ebay here a few months back and i tried it out after i got it only to find that it barely adheres to my doors.
1.) - yes, i precleaned with alcohol
2.) - yes, i called cascade and they recommended heating the product up for better adhesion
3.) - yes, i tried an entirely new kit from the ebay company. (they had me send back the one i had and sent me an entirely new one)
i tried heating a few pieces up in the oven as well as letting it sit in the sun. it was definitely more workable but it did not help it stick at all. it literally stays on for a few minutes then just starts peeling right off and eventually just falling off all together. IMO i think this stuff needs to have a better sticky backing.... something with some gooey depth to it like dynamat has. whatever this stuff uses doesnt just doesnt cut it.
very disappointed to be blatently honest. the @!#$ was pretty expensive at $85 shipped. hell, i could have bought a BUTT LOAD of dynamat (and i KNOW that stuff sticks very well, never had a problem) for that. i honestly only tried it out because i like the look of it and it came highly recommended. but after this experience i really dont think ill be buying any more.
now, since i DO have $85 bucks into this stuff i am just wondering if there is some special trick to get this stuff to work properly? do i need to blow torch the @!#$ on? what about squirting super glue onto the backside.. would that work?
Edited 1 time(s). Last edited Wednesday, April 25, 2012 11:56 AM
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That's really surprising! Yes you're supposed to use heat to shape it and soften the adhesive, but even without heat my kit stuck to my door like CRAZY.
Only thing I can think of is..... you took the backing off right?
did you heat it? And how (heat gun? how hot?)
Triple post because I fail at reading.
You need to use a heat gun and heat it up
while applying it.
It does on the website
But yeah that's kinda the cool thing about their door skins. The glue is heat-activated so you can actually remove it if you ever sell the car and reuse it on your next one.
Very very surprised. You're 100% sure its cascade? Not saying they have a bunch of knock offs out there, but there's a reason, of someone doesn't buy through me, I tell them to get it off cascade's site directly. That way you know what you're getting. Wish I could help, but I honestly have never had that problem in any install of their product. In any temp even when not heating it. Serious bummer you're having this issue because they do make absolute top shelf products.
(tabs) wrote:z yaaaa wrote:its not much fun trying to argue with a wall.
oh, trust us, we know
Scratch that reuse comment I made. That's VBMAX I was thinking of.
no dustin, im not 100% sure however the box as well as contents look identical to whats on cascade's website.
and yep, bummer for me too as it cost a lot of money. but, im gonna try using a heat gun and see how it works out then. just gotta see if the old man has one haha otherwise im gonna have to buy one.

oh well cant have too many tools!
Come join us over on the Olds Quad 4 and Twin Cam Facebook group!
Haha its an awesome tool to have. Just justify the purchase by knowing you'll use it again.
(tabs) wrote:z yaaaa wrote:its not much fun trying to argue with a wall.
oh, trust us, we know
hey man i just bought 50 sf of bquiet ultimate and that stuff is awsome, i used the fifty for the trunk doors and still had enough to do a second layer in the trunk and the doors. im about to buy another hundred to do my interior that stuff is cheap and works wonders compared to dynamat, also same chemical composition, and has a 500 farenheit rating iirc. im in Texas i need it to hold up.
Modding my j since I found the org
alejandro davila wrote:hey man i just bought 50 sf of bquiet ultimate and that stuff is awsome, i used the fifty for the trunk doors and still had enough to do a second layer in the trunk and the doors. im about to buy another hundred to do my interior that stuff is cheap and works wonders compared to dynamat, also same chemical composition, and has a 500 farenheit rating iirc. im in Texas i need it to hold up.
Not knocking the product, as I've never used that specific brand, but when you buy the high end stuff and use it how it's supposed to be used, you don't need that kind of insane square footage
(tabs) wrote:z yaaaa wrote:its not much fun trying to argue with a wall.
oh, trust us, we know