Hi Guys
I'm new here at J-body.org And I had previously postes this topic over at Club Cav but unfortuently got no replies
Ok so I drive a 1998 Toyota Cavalier 2.4Z and this beeping is driving me insane!!
This beeping sound comes from what seems to be the front left down by the passengers feet. It is pretty loud and goes on and off, sometimes it seems to go on and off acording to throttle or braking.
At first it was thought to be the aftermarket headunit that was installed underneath the dash on the passengers side (all new wiring, standard radio wiring was left untouched). But even with the aftermarket radio uninstalled there is still this bloody beeping sound and now there is no music to partially cover the beeping sound!!
Even if I remove the fuse for the factory radio (which i've heard makes all the chimes) the beepig sound is still present!!
This beeping is absolutely driving me insane!!
Any help is much appreciated!!
It would be awesome if I didn't have to shell out the cash for an auto electrician!
Is it the same sound (pitch) as the door chimes, or a different kind of beeping?
do you have amplifiers installed?
bradsk88 wrote:Is it the same sound (pitch) as the door chimes, or a different kind of beeping?
Hi there Brad,
No the beep that i'm talking about is a higher pitch than the door Chimes.
Also, the standard door chimes come from behind the steering column area, whereas this beep is coming from the passenger side.
Andrey B wrote:do you have amplifiers installed?
Hi there Andrew,
No, no amplifiers are installed, there is actually no headunit or anything connected at the moment, i miss my music
Thanks guys for such quick replies!
Okay. I wasn't sure where the RHD models mounted the chime so I just thought I would clarify.
You're going to have to look up under the dash to see if there are any modules that look aftermarket. The chime is really the only thing that 'beep's in our cars.
The only aftermarket accessory I can think of that would be would be a radar detector, or perhaps some sort of gauge with a warning beeper/buzzer.
If you can snap a picture of what is going on under your dash, I will likely be able to point out anything that wouldn't be there from factory.
It would not be a speed chime... would it?
bradsk88 wrote:Okay. I wasn't sure where the RHD models mounted the chime so I just thought I would clarify.
You're going to have to look up under the dash to see if there are any modules that look aftermarket. The chime is really the only thing that 'beep's in our cars.
The only aftermarket accessory I can think of that would be would be a radar detector, or perhaps some sort of gauge with a warning beeper/buzzer.
If you can snap a picture of what is going on under your dash, I will likely be able to point out anything that wouldn't be there from factory.
Nope, no radar or extra guages.
Under the passengers side dash it is completey covered in plastic so nothing to see at all really.
However, after getting home and before checking back here I did have another look, and I removed the passengers side door panel to find that the negative wire of the speaker was exposed, so I hit myself and then insulated the wire and put the door panel back on.
The car didn't beep when I moved the car into the garage, but it was only driven about 2m forward
But seriously if that exposed wire was causing all that beeping and drama, I will punch myself in the face.
I don't see how it could be the problem though because it was just the negative so idk.
Will have to wait and see though fro when I drive it tommorow..
If that didn't fix it, it would still be worth looking under the dash. The black plastic panels come out, you just have to unscrew a couple of 7mm (9/32") screws from the front.
Well, If you dont mind getting LOTS of pictures of the car, that would be sweet.
FIXED IT TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok so it was still beeping after taping up the exposed speaker wire so I removed the plastic trim piece under the dash.
As soon as I removed the plastic trim piece I realized that there was a speaker attached to it.
So I unplugged the speaker's connector and NO MORE BEEPING

The only thing I know the speaker did was making this beep tone when starting the car, it was definitively Jap Spec aswell as it had japan write all over it .
So Happy

Put my radio back in aswell
Here as some photos of the car for those that wanted to have a look