new box - Audio & Electronics Forum
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im looking to get a new box for my alpine type r's
i am gonig to build it myself and this will be the first time i have built a box so i dont want to go wrong
here are the box dimensions does that look okay or should i change anything?
width 25 in
height 15 in
depth 30 in
thickness 1 in
port width 9 in
port height 3 in
box volume 4.2
runing frequency 32 hz
port length 12.5 in
i am assuming you'll be putting 12s in there
you can use .75 instead of 1 inch mdf
also i am assuming you got your width and height mixed up.. either way i'd probably use aero port(s) instead.
yea those dementions are messed up ive scratched them off im thinking and calculating new ones, could u help me out? btw they are 10 in type rs
for 2 10s type rs use 3.5 cu ft net
use 4 '' aero port in dia and 6.5 in length - tuned to 32hz
alright thanks alot, how can i get the exact dementions so that i can have a 6.5 inch aero port that is 4 inches and it be 32 hz?
V = W x L x H - (port displacement - subs displacement)
Port Volume = d x h.. same formula applies for calculating subs displacement
correction to port volume formula
i forgot to add a Pi
so it's V(p) = d(pi)h
hmm, anyway you could just tell me good demintions hahah?
go with 25w x 15l x 15h with 4'' aero port 6.5'' long tuned to 32 hz
face your subs and port forward and seal off the trunk and you'll be bumpin like a big boy
forgot about port and subs displacement .. so make the box ~ 0.55 cu ft bigger
so you can make it a little wider like 27 or 28''
let me know how you like it
okay so with 28 x 15 x 15 sealed forward and with a 4in diamete 6.5 inch long aero port between the two subs im guessing it will be perfect? oh and btw can u tell me exactly how to do an aero port ive never seen one in person, im very excited to get this box doneeee
i revised it a little better for you
do 30 w x 15h x 18l, you wanna avoid having perfect cube. get that port that i sent you and extend it up to 8''. you should be at 31.5 hz
if you build it well you should be pretty happy with it.
okay thanks alot, can i just make a 4inch diameter and 8 inch long port form pvc? and i drive a 03 cavy
and how to i mount the port in the box? like omcpletely in? or does some need to be sticking out the front, im just new to those kinds of ports, thanks alot
you can mount it either inside or outside, it doesn't matter
but i would mount it completely inside for aesthetics.

click sig for my car audio videos
use pvc if you want. just make sure it's dead on with the size and that you secure the other end from inside.
okay thanks alot man! im gonna at least go get the wood for the box tomorrow, should have time to finish it completely, except carpeting that saturday, and if i cant finish it tomorrow itll be done by saturday night and ill post some pics up and let u know how much better it sounds, my box right now is 36w x 18l x 15h so we wil see the difference
well its completele, ill upload pics tomorrow... but i made the demintions just like u said the port is 4 in diameter and 8 inches long 6inches inside the box and 2 out... it akes it sound cleaner, but htats also just cus i sealing off my trunk with it, but it doesnt get as low and it isnt as loud, why is that?
did you fold the rear seat down? subs facing forward? how did you seal off the trunk? post some pics so i can see what you did...
it should hit VERY low and loud should you seal off the trunk good with a lot less space to pressurize
also tell me exactly the impedance and # of coils of the subs and how you wired them
and your gain settings on the amp and deck as well
ok the charts that you showed me, both of them - they don't apply for your subs and amp so they're wrong
you should wire your subs' coils in parallel for each sub, and then connect them together also in parallel. this will give you 1ohm
look at 1st chart there
also your pics are tiny, can't see much from there, but looks like you got the idea..
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