Hey, I bought the sony xav-622 head unit today. I got it all hooked up and went to hook up my sub and the head unit wont give me the rear/sub out option. I am running the rca cables from the head unit to amp than wire to the sub and it wont activate my sub or register I have one. What could the possible problem be? I followed the diagrams that came with the head unit and cant see where the problem is. ID anyone could help me it would be greatly appreciated.
Try getting ahold of sony, sounds like you have a dud unit.
I have read through it thoroughly and all i can see is to activate it that it says no source selected. it isnt very clear on how to activate the sub through the amp. So I am gunna try today to see if you can only turn it on if there is no source playing, as in that the radio is off the aux is off and the dvd is off.
so i tried with everything off and the rear/sub out feature still does become select able. I think im gunna get ahold of sony and see what they say.
Seems like you have to do it when the source is set to "off" of "no source"
I've tried that and still no luck
Define "no luck". Is the option there? Is it grayed out?
What happens?
All it does is switch my rear speakers from rears to a sub like feature but my subs themselves won't activate. And I followed the diagram from install the only problem I can see is the head unit its self acts like an amp maybe for my subs and I gotta just run the wires from the back of it to my sub possibly? I'm not sure.
No, that won't be how it works.
Try turning the subwoofer volume up, using the method described on page 45 of the manual I linked to.
I already tried that too

this is really starting to bug me.
Thanks for the help guys, I found out what the issue was. The guy i got the subs from didnt hook the subs themself up in the box.
Dale JR wrote:Thanks for the help guys, I found out what the issue was. The guy i got the subs from didnt hook the subs themself up in the box.
that'll do it every time.

car audio noob since 1984.