I don't know if there is a topic on this yet but what modifications need to be done for a pioneer avh-p3300bt receiver in my car. I know i have to buy the connector to go to stock wires. But future shop said they would have to do a custom install on it so I am wondering what the modifications would be.
Well i have a 96 aswell but all i had to do was take out old radio and conect the wires with a full kit i got if i can find the package in the garage ill send ya the part number or so on lol. but there probley talking about the fact that you have to take the dash off to put a aftermarket stereo in but its nothin to hard lol its only 12 bolts i think and youll need 7 and 10 mm sockets.
It wont fit in the radio slot.
96 has a din and a half radio, the radio you are putting in is a double din.
So you cant just put it in you need to modify the dash to make it fit.
Want hub spacers rear disk brackets or trailing arm bushings? Shoot me a PM.

what all needs to be modified because the car audio fit guide on their website says it will fit.
You need to enlarge the opening in the dash for the larger headunit.
Want hub spacers rear disk brackets or trailing arm bushings? Shoot me a PM.

so if i had the dimensions before i buy it and modify it i should be home safe?