My car (formerly belonged to Kurt (KFLO) came with an Alpine component set installed, 4 tweets, two 5 and a half-ish? (not sure) mids. Never knew where the crossovers were.. Finally found them tonight. they are screwed to a nice carpeted piece of MDF, under the dash, in place of the passenger AIR BAG???? Is this a common place for audio installers to put them or was the other PO (not Kurt he says he had no idea either) that likely put them there? Regardless looking to relocate somewhere else in the dash (Any suggestions to where) and also will be looking for an airbag for a 99 z24 (or any others that fit in place) Anybody have a spare in a parts car or something?
I am driving by myself 90% of the time... but its still totally unacceptable to not have an airbag the other 10% when other peoples lives are at risk. Over a year I have had this car an never knew...
Wondering if having the airbag removed would (should) throw a service light? I have never had a service engine/vehicle light in the past year, even when my exhaust fell apart separating the secondary O2 sensor from the rest of the system.. that should have thrown one right??
i have my crossovers in the per side. yes, the missing airbag should trigger the SRS light. secondary O2 MAY trigger a CEL, depending on how bad the front sensor is. the computer checks for differences between the front and back sensors, if the front is shot (over 50k mi) it may not notice a difference between it and the back sensor, so it's possible no CEL there.
at the same time, it takes 10 minutes to shake loose the dash and cover every idiot light with electrical tape.

car audio noob since 1984.
I usually put them:
-by the amps.
-screwed to the 'map pocket' in the door.
-in one of the holes in the metal of the door skin, held in by backstrap/plumber's strap
Thinking I might try somewhere under the dash or move them to their respecitve doors, local salvage yard just got a new cav in so I might snag the airbag and any other usable pieces I might want, thinking of a new dash mat and ditching the two tweeters they installed there... they aren't really of any use, there are way to many in my system anyway. Also that piece that goes right under the windsheild is cracked up so i want a new one of them... Decisions Decisions...
i have 2 sets of crossovers in each door pocket. easy access, no vibrations. best place for them imo
I will consider it, still going to do some looking, if I can move them to the underside of the dash without having to re wire too much I will probably do that.
In case anyone cares, after tonight's install, I can say that the 2011 Kia Optima has a very nice inner dash when it comes to hiding bulky LOC's and crossovers.
(tabs) wrote:z yaaaa wrote:its not much fun trying to argue with a wall.
oh, trust us, we know
JLAudioCavalier wrote:In case anyone cares, after tonight's install, I can say that the 2011 Kia Optima has a very nice inner dash when it comes to hiding bulky LOC's and crossovers. 
Hehe. Getting off topic, but you can fit a couple small amps behind the deck in the new F-series pickups
Jordan wrote:Also that piece that goes right under the windsheild is cracked up so i want a new one of them... Decisions Decisions...
I'm sure you know this, but incase you didn't, the piece right under the windshield is the entire lower dash, and not just a small piece at the top of the dash.
good to know because an 06 F150 is my next install lol.
(tabs) wrote:z yaaaa wrote:its not much fun trying to argue with a wall.
oh, trust us, we know
lafonjef wrote:Jordan wrote:Also that piece that goes right under the windsheild is cracked up so i want a new one of them... Decisions Decisions...
I'm sure you know this, but incase you didn't, the piece right under the windshield is the entire lower dash, and not just a small piece at the top of the dash.
I actually didn't know this... Never had the dash apart farther than the dash mat and radio bezel... Thats somewhat a downer... didn't think a piece like that would be a part of the whole dash. A sawzall would make it a small piece