alright, i am going to try and install 2 way alarm combo on my 09 manual door lock cobalt sedan
i know i will need a by pass module for a remote starter along with actuators obviously
but is there anything else i am forgetting?
some help with people who've done such installs would be greatly appreciated!
a handfull of relays, with harnesses. plenty of extra wire, heat shrink tube, wire loom and zip ties.

car audio noob since 1984.
Assuming you know what you're doing, there's not a lot I can tell you ahead of time. But if you run into problems, post em in here and I'll be watching.
I'm pretty sure you CANNOT install Aftermarket Actuators on a Cobalt. The Cobalts use Cables instead of rods I believe. You are gonn need soem Factory Door lock motors.
I'm pretty sure, ask a local shop.
The cobalt has power locks. So no need for the actuators. If it doesnt have power locks even on the base model thats news to me.
yup, Base models have NO Power locks matter of fact his 1st post says manual locks.
James - you can use actuators on cable door cars. Hondas are notorious for them. You use a clip that holds the outer housing, cut it so the metal cable is showing, and hook the actuator into it.
Does anyone know where i can find a old compustar remote start, remote only model #SHF-2WR i put a picture of it on craigslist phoenix, type in compustar.
If you have one or know where i can find one please contact me thanks
You join today... make a thread to ask that question, and then bump a 2 year old thread to ask again,... wtf just be patient dude.
On the other have other fingers.

"You really need to staple your face shut"-THE Joey Baggs.