hey every1, my buddy blew his motor up last summer and we did a motor swap from another 99 cavlier z24... we took the motor an nothing else, after taking the old one out and putting the new one in, we cant get the new one to start, we checked EVER fuse in the car and replaced many fuse's, but it still wont start, we have full power to everthing but when we make the inishal turn we get nothing at all, no crancking from the starter or anything, no we've replaced many fuse's, charged and tryed new batteries, jumped the starter by touching the posts together to get the start to move and have some success, next to towing it to a pro we've ran outta ideas, if any1 has any ideas on what the hell could be the problem the help would be great appereatied
Checked the fusible link between the starter and alternator?
ya we've replaced that wire and still nothing.........we've double checked all the wireing undernether the dash and cant see nothing outta place, our last idea is to take apart the steering colum but i'd thought i'd ask around for some help b4 we work that far
sndsgood wrote:so basically the car won't turn over correct? you have power otherwise to say radio or lights? and that if you powerd your starter directly it would start to turn over? it sounds like the power issue is related to the starter itself. id concentrate on that because something is off in that area.
ya thats the problem, were thinking it might be the starter but not 100% i'll let my buddy know see if he'll buy a new starter and we'll go from there thanks for the help SNDSGOOD
Did you re-hook up the relay for the ignition switch safety to the starter?
Lanman31337 - Cavfire wrote:Did you re-hook up the relay for the ignition switch safety to the starter?
we've double and triple checked that every wire is back on so i know that every wire is connected to the starter, what would i be looking for if everywire is connected thoough?
Check for broken or corroded wires/connections... Do you have a multi-meter and do you know how to check continuity? If not, why are you touching wiring? Lol. That's where I would start. Not just checking that you hooked everything up, but making sure the wires you hooked up are actually working. Every wire soimeone has suggested, you said is hooked up. So go through, check for continuity, and go from there. I would hate to be the guy replacing a starter to find out a bad wire is causing the issue.
On the other hand....you have other fingers.
"You really need to staple your face shut"-THE Joey Baggs.